Go to the documentation of this file.
2 // copy of TGenPhaseSpace, replacing gRandom with _rnd.
4 /*
5 Double_t TGenPhaseSpaceWithRnd::Generate(){
7  Double_t rno[kMAXP];
8  rno[0] = 0;
9  Int_t n;
10  if (fNt>2) {
11  for (n=1; n<fNt-1; n++) rno[n]=_rnd->Rndm(); // fNt-2 random numbers
12  qsort(rno+1 ,fNt-2 ,sizeof(Double_t) ,DoubleMax); // sort them
13  }
14  rno[fNt-1] = 1;
16  Double_t invMas[kMAXP], sum=0;
17  for (n=0; n<fNt; n++) {
18  sum += fMass[n];
19  invMas[n] = rno[n]*fTeCmTm + sum;
20  }
22  //
23  //-----> compute the weight of the current event
24  //
25  Double_t wt=fWtMax;
26  Double_t pd[kMAXP];
27  for (n=0; n<fNt-1; n++) {
28  pd[n] = PDK(invMas[n+1],invMas[n],fMass[n+1]);
29  wt *= pd[n];
30  }
32  //
33  //-----> complete specification of event (Raubold-Lynch method)
34  //
35  fDecPro[0].SetPxPyPzE(0, pd[0], 0 , TMath::Sqrt(pd[0]*pd[0]+fMass[0]*fMass[0]) );
37  Int_t i=1;
38  Int_t j;
39  while (1) {
40  fDecPro[i].SetPxPyPzE(0, -pd[i-1], 0 , TMath::Sqrt(pd[i-1]*pd[i-1]+fMass[i]*fMass[i]) );
42  Double_t cZ = 2*_rnd->Rndm() - 1;
43  Double_t sZ = TMath::Sqrt(1-cZ*cZ);
44  Double_t angY = 2*TMath::Pi() * _rnd->Rndm();
45  Double_t cY = TMath::Cos(angY);
46  Double_t sY = TMath::Sin(angY);
47  for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
48  TLorentzVector *v = fDecPro+j;
49  Double_t x = v->Px();
50  Double_t y = v->Py();
51  v->SetPx( cZ*x - sZ*y );
52  v->SetPy( sZ*x + cZ*y ); // rotation around Z
53  x = v->Px();
54  Double_t z = v->Pz();
55  v->SetPx( cY*x - sY*z );
56  v->SetPz( sY*x + cY*z ); // rotation around Y
57  }
59  if (i == (fNt-1)) break;
61  Double_t beta = pd[i] / sqrt(pd[i]*pd[i] + invMas[i]*invMas[i]);
62  for (j=0; j<=i; j++) fDecPro[j].Boost(0,beta,0);
63  i++;
64  }
66  //
67  //---> final boost of all particles
68  //
69  for (n=0;n<fNt;n++) fDecPro[n].Boost(fBeta[0],fBeta[1],fBeta[2]);
71  //
72  //---> return the weigth of event
73  //
74  return wt;
75 }
77 //__________________________________________________________________________________
78 TLorentzVector *TGenPhaseSpace::GetDecay(Int_t n)
79 {
80  //return Lorentz vector corresponding to decay n
81  if (n>fNt) return 0;
82  return fDecPro+n;
83 }
86 //_____________________________________________________________________________________
87 Bool_t TGenPhaseSpace::SetDecay(TLorentzVector &P, Int_t nt,
88  Double_t *mass, Option_t *opt)
89 {
90  // input:
91  // TLorentzVector &P: decay particle (Momentum, Energy units are Gev/C, GeV)
92  // Int_t nt: number of decay products
93  // Double_t *mass: array of decay product masses
94  // Option_t *opt: default -> constant cross section
95  // "Fermi" -> Fermi energy dependece
96  // return value:
97  // kTRUE: the decay is permitted by kinematics
98  // kFALSE: the decay is forbidden by kinematics
99  //
101  Int_t n;
102  fNt = nt;
103  if (fNt<2 || fNt>18) return kFALSE; // no more then 18 particle
105  //
106  //
107  //
108  fTeCmTm = P.Mag(); // total energy in C.M. minus the sum of the masses
109  for (n=0;n<fNt;n++) {
110  fMass[n] = mass[n];
111  fTeCmTm -= mass[n];
112  }
114  if (fTeCmTm<=0) return kFALSE; // not enough energy for this decay
116  //
117  //------> the max weigth depends on opt:
118  // opt == "Fermi" --> fermi energy dependence for cross section
119  // else --> constant cross section as function of TECM (default)
120  //
121  if (strcasecmp(opt,"fermi")==0) {
122  // ffq[] = pi * (2*pi)**(FNt-2) / (FNt-2)!
123  Double_t ffq[] = {0
124  ,3.141592, 19.73921, 62.01255, 129.8788, 204.0131
125  ,256.3704, 268.4705, 240.9780, 189.2637
126  ,132.1308, 83.0202, 47.4210, 24.8295
127  ,12.0006, 5.3858, 2.2560, 0.8859 };
128  fWtMax = TMath::Power(fTeCmTm,fNt-2) * ffq[fNt-1] / P.Mag();
130  } else {
131  Double_t emmax = fTeCmTm + fMass[0];
132  Double_t emmin = 0;
133  Double_t wtmax = 1;
134  for (n=1; n<fNt; n++) {
135  emmin += fMass[n-1];
136  emmax += fMass[n];
137  wtmax *= PDK(emmax, emmin, fMass[n]);
138  }
139  fWtMax = 1/wtmax;
140  }
142  //
143  //----> save the betas of the decaying particle
144  //
145  if (P.Beta()) {
146  Double_t w = P.Beta()/P.Rho();
147  fBeta[0] = P(0)*w;
148  fBeta[1] = P(1)*w;
149  fBeta[2] = P(2)*w;
150  }
151  else fBeta[0]=fBeta[1]=fBeta[2]=0;
153  return kTRUE;
154 }
155 */