Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // author: Jonas Rademacker (
2 // status: Mon 9 Feb 2009 19:18:00 GMT
4 #include <cmath>
5 #include <algorithm>
7 #include "Mint/DalitzEvent.h"
8 #include "Mint/Utils.h"
12 #include "TRandom.h"
13 #include "TGenPhaseSpace.h"
14 #include "TMatrixDSym.h"
15 #include "TNtupleD.h"
16 #include "TTree.h"
17 #include "TBranch.h"
18 #include "TLeaf.h"
20 using namespace std;
21 using namespace MINT; // for Utils.h
23 const char DalitzEvent::prtNameChars[] = { '+', '-', '\0' };
24 const char DalitzEvent::ntpNameChars[] = { '#', '~', '\0' };
30  return _rememberVectorCounter++;
31 }
34  : _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
35  , _aValue(-9999.)
36  , _weight(1)
37  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
38  , _vectorOfValues()
39  , _vectorOfWeights()
40  , _permutationIndex(0)
41  , _perm()
42 {
43  _eventCounter++;
44 }
46  , const std::vector<TLorentzVector>& mumAndDgtrs_p4
47  )
48  : _pat(pat)
49  , _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
50  , _aValue(-9999.)
51  , _weight(1)
52  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
53  , _vectorOfValues()
54  , _vectorOfWeights()
55  , _s(pat.size())
56  , _t(pat.size())
57  , _permutationIndex(0)
58  , _perm(pat)
59 {
60  setMomenta(mumAndDgtrs_p4);
61  if(_pat.size() < 3 || _pat.size() != _p.size()) shoutAndKill();
62  resetST();
63  _eventCounter++;
64 }
67  , double t01_in
68  , double s12_in, double s23_in, double s34_in
69  , double t40_in
70  )
71  : _pat(pat)
72  , _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
73  , _aValue(-9999.)
74  , _weight(1)
75  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
76  , _vectorOfValues()
77  , _vectorOfWeights()
78  , _s(pat.size())
79  , _t(pat.size())
80  , _permutationIndex(0)
81  , _perm(pat)
82 {
83  bool dbThis=false;
85  if(_pat.size() != 5){
86  cout << "DalitzEvent::DalitzEvent ERROR "
87  << " event pattern " << pat
88  << " doesn't fit 4-body constructor"
89  << endl;
90  throw "shit happens";
91  }
92  Calculate4BodyProps c4bp(t01_in, s12_in, s23_in, s34_in, t40_in
93  , _pat[0].mass()
94  , _pat[1].mass(), _pat[2].mass()
95  , _pat[3].mass(), _pat[4].mass()
96  );
97  if(dbThis){
98  cout << " c4bp phase space " << c4bp.phaseSpaceFactor() << endl;
99  }
100  std::vector<TLorentzVector> p4List(5);
101  if(c4bp.phaseSpaceFactor() > 0){
102  for(int i=0; i<=4; i++){
103  p4List[i] = c4bp.pVec(i);
104  if(dbThis)cout << "p4List[" << i << "] " << p4List[i] << endl;
105  }
106  }else{
107  for(int i=0; i<=4; i++){
108  TLorentzVector p4(-9999, -9999, -9999, -9999);
109  p4List[i] = p4;
110  }
111  }
112  setMomenta(p4List);
113  if(_pat.size() < 3 || _pat.size() != _p.size()) shoutAndKill();
114  resetST();
116  if(dbThis){
117  cout << "constructed event from this pattern: " << _pat << "\n and "
118  << t01_in << ", " << s12_in << ", " << s23_in << ", " << s34_in << ", " << t40_in
119  << endl;
121  cout << " and got out: "
122  << t_intern(0,1) << ", " << s_intern(1,2) << ", " << s_intern(2,3)
123  << ", " << s_intern(3,4) << ", " << t_intern(4,0)
124  << endl;
125  }
126  _eventCounter++;
127 }
130  const double s13, const double s23
131  )
132  : _pat(pat)
133  , _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
134  , _aValue(-9999.)
135  , _weight(1)
136  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
137  , _vectorOfValues()
138  , _vectorOfWeights()
139  , _s(pat.size())
140  , _t(pat.size())
141  , _permutationIndex(0)
142  , _perm(pat)
143 {
144  bool dbThis=false;
146  if(_pat.size() != 4){
147  cout << "DalitzEvent::DalitzEvent ERROR "
148  << " event pattern " << pat
149  << " doesn't fit 4-body constructor"
150  << endl;
151  throw "shit happens";
152  }
154  double m0 = pat[0].mass() ;
155  double m1 = pat[1].mass() ;
156  double m2 = pat[2].mass() ;
157  double m3 = pat[3].mass() ;
159  // Calculate energies of pi+, pi- from known parameters
160  double E1 = ( m0 * m0 + m1 * m1 - s23 ) / (2 * m0) ;
161  double E2 = ( m0 * m0 + m2 * m2 - s13 ) / (2 * m0) ;
163  // Get E3 from conservation of energy
164  double E3 = m0 - E1 - E2 ;
166  // Reject events where kinematics are impossible
167  double pz1Sq = E1 * E1 - m1 * m1 ;
168  if(pz1Sq < 0){
169  cout << "Invalid phase space point for the given pattern (s13, s23) = ("
170  << s13 << ", " << s23 << ")" << endl ;
171  throw out_of_range("") ;
172  }
174  // Get pz1 from mass/energy relation (co-ordinate system defined so that px1 = py1 = 0)
175  double pz1 = sqrt(pz1Sq) ;
177  // Calculate pz3 from conservation of momentum
178  double pz3 = ( E2 * E2 - m2 * m2 - E3 * E3 + m3 * m3 - pz1 * pz1 ) / ( 2*pz1 ) ;
180  // Use pz3 to get py3 (co-ordinate system designed so that px3 = 0)
181  double py3Sq = E3 * E3 - m3 * m3 - pz3 * pz3 ;
183  // Reject events where kinematics are impossible
184  if(py3Sq < 0){
185  cout << "Invalid phase space point for the given pattern (s13, s23) = ("
186  << s13 << ", " << s23 << ")" << endl ;
187  throw out_of_range("") ;
188  }
190  double py3 = sqrt(py3Sq) ;
191  // Conservation of momentum => py2 = -py3 and pz2 = -(pz1 + pz3)
192  double py2 = -1 * py3 ;
193  double pz2 = -1 * (pz1 + pz3) ;
194  std::vector<TLorentzVector> p4List(4, TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, m0));
195  p4List[1] = TLorentzVector(0., 0., pz1, E1) ;
196  p4List[2] = TLorentzVector(0., py2, pz2, E2) ;
197  p4List[3] = TLorentzVector(0., py3, pz3, E3) ;
199  setMomenta(p4List);
200  if(_pat.size() < 3 || _pat.size() != _p.size()) shoutAndKill();
201  resetST();
203  if(!kinematicallyAllowed()){
204  cout << "Event not kinematically allowed! Was given (s13, s23) = ("
205  << s13 << ", " << s23 << "), got (" << s_intern(1, 3) << ", "
206  << s_intern(2, 3) << ")" << endl ;
207  throw out_of_range("") ;
208  }
209  _eventCounter++;
210 }
213  , const std::vector<TVector3>& mumAndDgtrs_p3
214  )
215  : _pat(pat)
216  , _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
217  , _aValue(-9999.)
218  , _weight(1)
219  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
220  , _vectorOfValues()
221  , _vectorOfWeights()
222  , _s(pat.size())
223  , _t(pat.size())
224  , _permutationIndex(0)
225  , _perm(pat)
226 {
227  setMomenta(mumAndDgtrs_p3);
228  if(_pat.size() < 3 || _pat.size() != mumAndDgtrs_p3.size()) shoutAndKill();
229  resetST();
230  _eventCounter++;
231 }
233  : _pat(pat)
234  , _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
235  , _aValue(-9999.)
236  , _weight(1)
237  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
238  , _vectorOfValues()
239  , _vectorOfWeights()
240  , _s(pat.size())
241  , _t(pat.size())
242  , _permutationIndex(0)
243  , _perm(pat)
244 {
245  if (_pat.size() < 3) shoutAndKill();
246  _p.resize(_pat.size());
247  resetST();
248  _eventCounter++;
249 } // generate or add momemta later.
252  : _pat(pat)
253  , _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
254  , _aValue(-9999.)
255  , _weight(1)
256  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
257  , _vectorOfValues()
258  , _vectorOfWeights()
259  , _s(pat.size())
260  , _t(pat.size())
261  , _permutationIndex(0)
262  , _perm(pat)
263 {
264  if (_pat.size() < 3) shoutAndKill();
265  resetST();
267  _eventCounter++;
268 }
271  : _pat(other->eventPattern())
272  // , _p(other.)
273  , _rememberPhaseSpace(other->phaseSpace())
274  , _rememberComplexFast()
275  , _rememberDoubleFast()
276  , _aValue(other->getAValue())
277  , _weight(other->getWeight())
278  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(other->getGeneratorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace())
279  , _vectorOfValues(other->getVectorOfValues())
280  , _vectorOfWeights(other->getVectorOfWeights())
281  // , _s()
282  //, _t(other._t)
283  , _permutationIndex(0)
284  , _perm(other->eventPattern())
285 {
286  int np = other->eventPattern().size();
287  _p.resize(np);
288  for(int i=0; i < np; i++) _p[i] = other->p(i);
289  resetST();
290  _eventCounter++;
291 }
294  : _pat(other.eventPattern())
295  , _rememberPhaseSpace(other.phaseSpace())
296  , _rememberComplexFast()
297  , _rememberDoubleFast()
298  , _aValue(other.getAValue())
299  , _weight(other.getWeight())
300  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(other.getGeneratorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace())
301  , _vectorOfValues(other.getVectorOfValues())
302  , _vectorOfWeights(other.getVectorOfWeights())
303  , _permutationIndex(0)
304  , _perm(other.eventPattern())
305 {
306  int np = other.eventPattern().size();
307  _p.resize(np);
308  for(int i=0; i < np; i++) _p[i] = other.p(i);
309  resetST();
310  _eventCounter++;
311 }
316  : IDalitzEvent() // the compiler wants it.
317  , _pat(other->_pat)
318  , _p(other->_p)
319  , _rememberPhaseSpace(other->_rememberPhaseSpace)
320  , _rememberComplexFast(other->_rememberComplexFast)
321  , _rememberDoubleFast(other->_rememberDoubleFast)
322  , _aValue(other->_aValue)
323  , _weight(other->_weight)
324  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(other->_generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace)
325  , _vectorOfValues(other->_vectorOfValues)
326  , _vectorOfWeights(other->_vectorOfWeights)
327  , _s(other->_s)
328  , _t(other->_t)
329  , _sijMap(other->_sijMap)
330  , _permutationIndex(other->_permutationIndex)
331  , _perm(other->_perm)
332 {
333  bool dbThis=false;
334  if(dbThis) cout << " copy constructor of DalitzEvent called."
335  << " weight before " << other->getWeight()
336  << " and after " << this->getWeight()
337  << endl;
338  _eventCounter++;
339 }
341  : IDalitzEvent() // the compiler wants it.
342  , _pat(other._pat)
343  , _p(other._p)
344  , _rememberPhaseSpace(other._rememberPhaseSpace)
345  , _rememberComplexFast(other._rememberComplexFast)
346  , _rememberDoubleFast(other._rememberDoubleFast)
347  , _aValue(other._aValue)
348  , _weight(other._weight)
349  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(other._generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace)
350  , _vectorOfValues(other._vectorOfValues)
351  , _vectorOfWeights(other._vectorOfWeights)
352  , _s(other._s)
353  , _t(other._t)
354  , _sijMap(other._sijMap)
355  , _permutationIndex(other._permutationIndex)
356  , _perm(other._perm)
357 {
358  bool dbThis=false;
359  if(dbThis) cout << " copy constructor of DalitzEvent called."
360  << " weight before " << other.getWeight()
361  << " and after " << this->getWeight()
362  << endl;
363  _eventCounter++;
364 }
366  : _rememberPhaseSpace(-9999.)
367  , _aValue(-9999.)
368  , _weight(1)
369  , _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(1)
370  , _vectorOfValues()
371  , _vectorOfWeights()
372  , _permutationIndex(0)
373 {
374  if(! fromTree(ntp)){
375  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent constructor from ntuple"
376  << " something went wrong!"
377  << endl;
378  }
379  _eventCounter++;
380 }
383  _eventCounter--;
384  // cout << "DalitzEvent destroyed\n" << endl;
385 }
388  return new DalitzEvent(*this);
389 }
390 double DalitzEvent::getWeight() const{
391  return _weight;
392 }
393 void DalitzEvent::setWeight(double w){
394  _weight = w;
395 }
398 }
401 }
403 const std::vector<double>& DalitzEvent::getVectorOfValues() const{
404  return _vectorOfValues;}
406 std::vector<double>& DalitzEvent::getVectorOfValues(){
407  return _vectorOfValues;}
409 const std::vector<double>& DalitzEvent::getVectorOfWeights() const{
410  return _vectorOfWeights;}
412 std::vector<double>& DalitzEvent::getVectorOfWeights(){
413  return _vectorOfWeights;}
415 void DalitzEvent::setValueInVector(unsigned int i, double value){
416  if(_vectorOfValues.size() <= i) _vectorOfValues.resize(i+1);
417  _vectorOfValues[i]=value;
418 }
420 void DalitzEvent::setWeightInVector(unsigned int i, double weight){
421  if(_vectorOfWeights.size() <= i) _vectorOfWeights.resize(i+1);
422  _vectorOfWeights[i]=weight;
423 }
425 double DalitzEvent::getValueFromVector(unsigned int i) const{
426  return _vectorOfValues[i];
427 }
429 double DalitzEvent::getWeightFromVector(unsigned int i) const{
430  return _vectorOfWeights[i];
431 }
433 double DalitzEvent::m(unsigned int i) const{
434  // easy access to the nominal masses
435  if(i >= _pat.size()){
436  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::m(unsigned int i)"
437  << " index i= " << i << " out of range!"
438  << " allowed range: [0," << _pat.size()-1 << "]"
439  << " returning -9999"
440  << endl;
441  return -9999;
442  }
443  return _pat[i].mass();
444 }
445 double DalitzEvent::m2(unsigned int i) const{
446  if(i >= _pat.size()){
447  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::m2(unsigned int i)"
448  << " index i= " << i << " out of range!"
449  << " allowed range: [0," << _pat.size()-1 << "]"
450  << " returning -9999"
451  << endl;
452  return -9999;
453  }
454  return m(i)*m(i);
455 }
457 TLorentzVector DalitzEvent::p_dgtr_sum() const{
458  TLorentzVector pd(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
460  for(unsigned int i=1; i< _p.size(); i++){
461  pd += _p[i];
462  }
463  return pd;
464 }
466 bool DalitzEvent::kinematicallyAllowed(double epsilon) const{
467  bool dbThis=false;
469  TLorentzVector pdiff = (p(0) - p_dgtr_sum());
470  TLorentzVector psum = (p(0) + p_dgtr_sum());
472  double diffsum = 0;
473  double sumsum = 0;
474  for(unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++){
475  diffsum += pdiff[i]*pdiff[i];
476  sumsum += psum[i] *psum[i];
477  }
478  double avsum = sumsum/2.0;
480  if(diffsum > epsilon*epsilon * avsum){
481  if(dbThis){
482  cout << "DalitzEvent::kinematicallyAllowed? "
483  << " failing diffsum: " << diffsum
484  << " max allowed: " << epsilon*epsilon*avsum << endl;
485  }
486  return false;
487  }
489  for(unsigned int i = 0; i<_pat.size(); i++){
490  double mreco = p(i).M();
491  if(mreco < 0){
492  if(dbThis) cout << "failing mreco " << mreco << " < 0" << endl;
493  return false;
494  }
495  double avmass = (mreco + m(i))/2.0;
496  if( fabs(mreco - m(i)) > epsilon*avmass ){
497  if(dbThis){
498  cout << " failing mreco - m(i) fabs("
499  << mreco << " - " << m(i) << ") = "
500  << fabs(mreco - m(i)) << " > " << epsilon*avmass
501  << endl;
502  }
503  return false;
504  }
505  }
506  return true;
507 }
510 double DalitzEvent::phaseSpace() const{
511  if(nDgtr() <= 2){
513  return 1;
514  }
515  if(_p.size() != _pat.size()){
516  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::phaseSpace: inconsistency!"
517  << " pattern array size != momentum array size"
518  << " " << _pat.size() << " != " << _p.size()
519  << ". returning -9999"
520  << endl;
521  return -9999;
522  }
524  if(_rememberPhaseSpace > -9998){
525  // cout << " remembering... " << _rememberPhaseSpace << endl;
526  return _rememberPhaseSpace;
527  }
529  if(nDgtr() == 3){
530  _rememberPhaseSpace = phaseSpace3(); // one or zero
531  return _rememberPhaseSpace;
532  }else if(nDgtr() == 4){
534  return _rememberPhaseSpace;
535  }else{
536  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::phaseSpace inconsistency!"
537  << "\n > Sorry, don't know how to calculate phase-space"
538  << " factor for nDgtr = " << nDgtr()
539  << "\n > - can only do up to nDgtr <= 4"
540  << ". returning -9999"
541  << endl;
542  return -9999;
543  }
544 }
547  generateThisToPhaseSpace(0.0, rnd);
548 }
549 void DalitzEvent::generateThisToPhaseSpace(double p, TRandom* rnd){
550  TVector3 p3(0,0,p);
551  generateThisToPhaseSpace(p3, rnd);
552 }
553 void DalitzEvent::generateThisToPhaseSpace(const TVector3& mumsp3
554  , TRandom* rnd){
555  bool dbthis=false;
556  if(dbthis) cout << "got called" << endl;
557  TRandom* remember_gRandom = gRandom;
558  bool needToReset_gRandom=false;
559  if(0 != rnd){
560  needToReset_gRandom=true;
561  gRandom = rnd; // horrible fix because
562  // TGenPhaseSpace can only use gRandom
563  }
564  if(dbthis) cout << "got so far" << endl;
565  TGenPhaseSpace gps; // uses gRandom, so no worries
566  // about re-starting with the same seed (won't happen),
567  // but worries about what kind of
568  // random number generator gRandom is.
570  TLorentzVector mumsP4;
571  mumsP4.SetXYZM(mumsp3.X()
572  , mumsp3.Y()
573  , mumsp3.Z()
574  , _pat[0].mass());
576  Double_t* mdgt = new Double_t[nDgtr()];
577  if(dbthis) cout << "booked " << nDgtr() << " daughters " << endl;
578  for(int i=1; i<= nDgtr(); i++){
579  mdgt[i-1] = this->m(i);
580  }
582  gps.SetDecay(mumsP4, nDgtr() , mdgt);
583  double maxWeight = 1.0;//gps.GetWtMax();
584  double weight=0;
585  if(dbthis) cout << " maxWeight " << maxWeight << endl;
586  //normal:
587  do{
588  weight=gps.Generate();
589  }while(weight < gRandom->Rndm() * maxWeight);
590  // for debug:
591  // weight=gps.Generate();
593  if(needToReset_gRandom){
594  gRandom = remember_gRandom;
595  }
596  if(weight > maxWeight){
597  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::generateThisToPhaseSpace"
598  << " weight = " << weight << " > " << maxWeight << " = maxWeight"
599  << "\n > this is a programming error that needs to be fixed."
600  << endl;
601  throw " I got maxWeight wrong.";
602  }
603  if(dbthis) cout << " this weight " << weight << endl;
604  if(dbthis) cout << " max weight " << gps.GetWtMax() << endl;
606  _p.resize(nDgtr()+1);
607  if(dbthis) cout << "generated event" << endl;
608  setP(0, mumsP4);
609  if(dbthis)cout << "set p0" << endl;
610  for(unsigned int i=1; i< _pat.size(); i++){
611  if(dbthis)cout << "setting P (" << i << ") "
612  << (*(gps.GetDecay(i-1)))
613  << "..." << endl;
614  setP(i, (*(gps.GetDecay(i-1))));
615  if(dbthis)cout << " and look what I've set: " << p(i) << endl;
616  }
617  delete[] mdgt;
618  _weight = 1.0;
620  return;
621 }
623 const TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p_intern(unsigned int i) const{
624  if(i >= _p.size()){
625  cout << "in TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p(unsigned int i):"
626  << " index out of range. DalitzEventPattern:"
627  << "\n > \"" << eventPattern() << "\""
628  << "\n > num mother + daughters = " << _p.size()
629  << endl;
630  throw "index out or range in TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p(unsigned int i)";
631  }
632  return _p[i];
633 }
635 TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p_intern(unsigned int i){
636  if(i >= _p.size()){
637  cout << "in TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p(unsigned int i):"
638  << " index out of range. DalitzEventPattern:"
639  << "\n > \"" << eventPattern() << "\""
640  << "\n > num mother + daughters = " << _p.size()
641  << endl;
642  throw "index out or range in TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p(unsigned int i)";
643  }
644  return _p[i];
645 }
647 double DalitzEvent::s_intern(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const{
648  if(_s[i][j] < 0) _s[i][j] = (p_intern(i) + p_intern(j)).Mag2();
649  return _s[i][j];
650 }
651 double DalitzEvent::t_intern(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const{
652  if(_t[i][j] < 0) _t[i][j] = (p_intern(i) - p_intern(j)).Mag2();
653  return _t[i][j];
654 }
655 double DalitzEvent::sijMap_intern(const std::vector<int>& intern_indices) const{
656  bool successFlag=false;
657  double returnVal = MINT::keyFinder(intern_indices, _sijMap
658  , (double) 0, successFlag);
659  if(! successFlag){
660  returnVal = evalsij_intern(intern_indices);
661  _sijMap[intern_indices] = returnVal;
662  }
663  return returnVal;
664 }
665 double DalitzEvent::sijMap(const std::vector<int>& indices) const{
666  vector<int> intern_indices(indices);
667  for(unsigned int i=0; i < intern_indices.size(); i++){
668  intern_indices[i] = currentPermutation()[ indices[i] ];
669  }
670  return sijMap_intern(intern_indices);
671 }
673 const TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p(unsigned int i) const{
674  bool dbThis=false;
675  if(dbThis){
676  cout << "p(" << i << ") called. Current permutation: "
677  << currentPermutation()[i]
678  << endl;
679  }
680  return p_intern(currentPermutation()[i]);
681 }
682 TLorentzVector& DalitzEvent::p(unsigned int i){
683  bool dbThis=false;
684  if(dbThis){
685  cout << "p(" << i << ") called. Current permutation: "
686  << currentPermutation()[i]
687  << endl;
688  }
689  return p_intern(currentPermutation()[i]);
690 }
691 double DalitzEvent::s(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const{
693 }
694 double DalitzEvent::t(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const{
696 }
699 double DalitzEvent::evalsij_intern(const std::vector<int>&
700  intern_indices) const{
701  TLorentzVector psum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
702  for(unsigned int i=0; i< intern_indices.size(); i++){
703  //cout << " p(" << i << ") " << p(indices[i]);
704  psum += p_intern(intern_indices[i]);
705  }
706  return psum.Mag2();
707 }
709 double DalitzEvent::sij(const std::vector<int>& indices) const{
710  bool dbThis=false;
712  if(1 == indices.size()){
713  return p(indices[0]).Mag2();
714  }else if(2 == indices.size()){
715  return s(indices[0], indices[1]);
716  }else{
717  if(dbThis){
718  TLorentzVector psum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
719  for(unsigned int i=0; i< indices.size(); i++){
720  //cout << " p(" << i << ") " << p(indices[i]);
721  psum += p(indices[i]);
722  }
723  cout << "DalitzEvent sij: compare " << psum.Mag2()
724  << " = " << sijMap(indices) << endl;
725  }
726  return sijMap(indices);
727  }
728 }
730 double DalitzEvent::sijMin(const std::vector<int>& indices) const{
731  return _pat.sijMin(indices);
732 }
733 double DalitzEvent::sijMax(const std::vector<int>& indices) const{
734  return _pat.sijMax(indices);
735 }
737 void DalitzEvent::setMothers3Momentum(const TVector3& mp3){
738  TLorentzVector newMum4;
739  newMum4.SetXYZM(mp3.X(), mp3.Y(), mp3.Z(), _p[0].M());
741  TVector3 boostToOldMumsRest(- _p[0].BoostVector());
742  TVector3 boostToNewMumsLab(newMum4.BoostVector());
743  for(unsigned int i=0; i < _p.size(); i++){
744  _p[i].Boost(boostToOldMumsRest); // to D0 rest frame
745  _p[i].Boost(boostToNewMumsLab); // to lab frame with new D0 momentum
746  }
748 }
752  if(nDgtr() != 4){
753  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::makeCalculate4BodyProps()"
754  << "\n > You can't expect a sensible Calculate4BodyProps"
755  << " Object for a " << nDgtr() << " body decay!"
756  << endl;
757  return Calculate4BodyProps(0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0);
758  }
759  return Calculate4BodyProps(t(0,1), s(1,2), s(2,3), s(3,4), t(4,0)
760  , m(0), m(1), m(2), m(3), m(4)
761  );
762 }
764 void DalitzEvent::print(std::ostream& os) const{
765  os << "Dalitz event for pattern "
766  << _pat;
767  for(unsigned int i=0; i<_p.size(); i++){
768  cout << "\n\t p(" << i << ") " << p(i);
769  }
770  os << "\n\t m(i) ";
771  for(unsigned int i=0; i<_p.size(); i++){
772  cout << m(i) << " ; ";
773  }
774  if(nDgtr() == 4){
775  os << "\n\t sij :"
776  << t(0,1) << ", " << s(1,2) << ", " << s(2,3)
777  << ", " << s(3,4) << ", " << t(4, 0);
778  }
779  os << "\n\t ps = " << this->phaseSpace();
780  os << "\t weight = " << this->getWeight();
781  os << endl;
782 }
785 // private stuff:
788  cout << "FATAL ERROR in DalitzEvent:"
789  << "\n > pattern: \"" << _pat << "\""
790  << "\n > 4-vector list size: " << _p.size()
791  << endl;
792  throw "probably insonsistent pattern in DalitzEvent";
793 }
796  // p-conjugates in mums restframe, but keeps old D momentum.
798  resetST(); // shouldn't be necessary, but to be save.
799  if(_p.empty()) return;
800  TVector3 mums3Momentum(_p[0].X(), _p[0].Y(), _p[0].Z());
801  for(unsigned int i=0; i < _p.size(); i++){
802  _p[i].SetX( - _p[i].X() );
803  _p[i].SetY( - _p[i].Y() );
804  _p[i].SetZ( - _p[i].Z() );
805  }
806  setMothers3Momentum(mums3Momentum);
807 }
810 }
814 }
817  // resets (possibly previously calculated) values for sij, tij
819  _s.resize(_pat.size());
820  for(unsigned int i=0; i< _s.size(); i++){
821  _s[i].clear();
822  _s[i].resize(_pat.size());
823  for(unsigned int j=0; j< _s[i].size(); j++){
824  _s[i][j] = -1;
825  }
826  }
828  _t.resize(_pat.size());
829  for(unsigned int i=0; i< _t.size(); i++){
830  _t[i].clear();
831  _t[i].resize(_pat.size());
832  for(unsigned int j=0; j< _t[i].size(); j++){
833  _t[i][j] = -1;
834  }
835  }
836  return true;
837 }
840  if(i >= numPermutations()) return;
842 }
844  return _perm.size();
845 }
847 bool DalitzEvent::setMomenta(const std::vector<TLorentzVector>& p4List){
848  _rememberPhaseSpace = -9999;
849  if(_pat.size() != p4List.size()){
850  return false;
851  }
852  _p.resize(p4List.size());
853  for(unsigned int i=0; i<p4List.size(); i++){
854  _p[i] = p4List[i];
855  }
856  return true;
857 }
859 bool DalitzEvent::setMomenta(const std::vector<TVector3>& p3List){
860  _rememberPhaseSpace = -9999;
862  _p.resize(p3List.size());
863  if(_pat.size() != p3List.size()){
864  return false;
865  }
866  for(unsigned int i=0; i< _pat.size(); i++){
867  const TVector3& p3 = p3List[i];
868  double m = _pat[i].mass();
869  _p[i].SetXYZM(p3.X(), p3.Y(), p3.Z(), m);
870  }
871  return true;
872 }
874 void DalitzEvent::setP(unsigned int i, const TLorentzVector& p4){
875  _rememberPhaseSpace = -9999;
876  if(i >= _p.size()){
877  _p.resize(i+1);
878  // cout << "had to resize" << endl;
879  }
880  _p[i] = p4;
881 }
883 double DalitzEvent::BDet()const{
884  /*
885  cout << " for sij " << t(0,1) << ", " << s(1,2) << ", " << s(2,3)
886  << ", " << s(3,4) << ", " << t(4,0) << endl;
887  cout << "\n " << m2(0) << ", " << m2(1) << ", " << m2(2)
888  << ", " << m2(3) << m2(4) << endl;
889  */
891  if(nDgtr() < 4){
892  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::BDet(): nDgtr() = "
893  << nDgtr() << " < 4. How did this happen?"
894  << endl;
895  return +9999;
896  }
898  TMatrixDSym B(6);
899  B(0,0)=0;
900  B(1,0)=B(0,1)=m2(2); B(1,1) = 0;
901  B(2,0)=B(0,2)=s(2,3) ; B(2,1)=B(1,2) = m2(3); B(2,2)=0;
902  B(3,0)=B(0,3)=t(0,1) ; B(3,1)=B(1,3) = s(3,4) ; B(3,2)=B(2,3)=m2(4); B(3,3)=0;
903  B(4,0)=B(0,4)=m2(1); B(4,1)=B(1,4) = s(1,2) ; B(4,2)=B(2,4)=t(4,0) ; B(4,3)=B(3,4)=m2(0); B(4,4)=0;
904  B(5,0)=B(0,5)=B(5,1)=B(1,5)=B(5,2)=B(2,5)=B(5,3)=B(3,5)=B(5,4)=B(4,5)=1;
905  B(5,5)=0;
907  /*
908  double Bdet = B.Determinant();
909  cout << "Bdet = " << Bdet << endl;
910  */
912  return B.Determinant();
913 }
914 double DalitzEvent::Delta4() const{
915  return -BDet()/16;
916 }
917 double DalitzEvent::phaseSpace4() const{
918  bool dbThis=false;
919  if(dbThis)cout << "\n\n called phaseSpace4() " << endl;
920  if(nDgtr() < 4){
921  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::phaseSpace4: nDgtr() = "
922  << nDgtr() << " < 4. How did this happen?"
923  << endl;
924  return -9999;
925  }
926  if(dbThis){
927  Calculate4BodyProps c4bp(t_intern(0,1), s_intern(1,2), s_intern(2,3)
928  , s_intern(3,4), t_intern(4,0)
929  , m(0), m(1), m(2), m(3), m(4)
930  );
932  cout << "4-body probs gets this phase space: "
933  << c4bp.phaseSpaceFactor() << endl;
934  cout << " ... for t01 <<... = "
935  << t_intern(0,1) << ", " << s_intern(1,2) << ", " << s_intern(2,3)
936  << ", " << s_intern(3,4) << ", " << t_intern(4,0)
937  << endl;
938  }
940  // Note that this calculation assumes that this is a "physical" event.
941  // It doesn't check if it is outside the physically allowed
942  // phase space area, for which there are more requirements than
943  // only Delta4 < 0.
944  double invPhsp2 = -Delta4();
945  if(invPhsp2 <= 0) return 0;
946  double phsp = pi*pi/(32.0*m(0)*m(0)) * 1./sqrt(invPhsp2);
947  if(dbThis) cout << " ... I get: phsp = " << phsp << endl;
948  if(phsp < 0) return 0;
949  else return phsp;
950 }
952 double DalitzEvent::phaseSpace3(double epsilon) const{
953  bool dbThis=false;
954  // return either one or zero.
955  // one if it's kinematically allowed, zero otherwise.
956  if(kinematicallyAllowed(epsilon)){
957  if(dbThis) {
958  cout << "DalitzEvent::phaseSpace3(" << epsilon << ")"
959  << " returning 1" << endl;
960  }
961  //return pi*pi/(4.0*m(0)*m(0));
962  return 1;
963  }else{
964  if(dbThis) {
965  cout << "DalitzEvent::phaseSpace3(" << epsilon << ")"
966  << " returning 0" << endl;
967  }
968  return 0;
969  }
970 }
972 std::string DalitzEvent::prtToNtpName(const std::string& s_in){
973  std::string s(s_in);
974  for(int i=0; prtNameChars[i] != '\0'; i++){
975  replace(s.begin(), s.end(), prtNameChars[i], ntpNameChars[i]);
976  }
977  return s;
978 }
979 std::string DalitzEvent::ntpToPrtName(const std::string& s_in){
980  std::string s(s_in);
981  for(int i=0; ntpNameChars[i] != '\0'; i++){
982  replace(s.begin(), s.end(), ntpNameChars[i], prtNameChars[i]);
983  }
984  return s;
985 }
988  std::string s="";
989  if(eventPattern().empty()){
990  return s;
991  }
993  for(unsigned int i=0; i< _pat.size(); i++){
994  std::string name = _pat[i].name();
995  name = "_" + anythingToString((int) i) + "_" + name;
996  name = prtToNtpName(name);
998  s += name + "_pdg:";
999  s += name + "_E:";
1000  s += name + "_Px:";
1001  s += name + "_Py:";
1002  s += name + "_Pz";
1003  // if(i != _pat.size() -1) s+= ":";
1004  s+= ":";
1005  }
1006  s += "weight:";
1007  s += "genPdf";
1008  return s;
1009 }
1012  return 5;
1013 }
1014 bool DalitzEvent::fillNtupleVarArray(std::vector<Double_t>& array)const{
1016  if(eventPattern().empty()){
1017  return false;
1018  }
1019  int counter=0;
1020  int maxCounter = (array.size() - 2) - (singleParticleNtpArraySize()-1);
1021  for(unsigned int i=0; i< _p.size() && counter < maxCounter; i++){
1022 = _pat[i];
1023 = _p[i].E();
1024 = _p[i].X();
1025 = _p[i].Y();
1026 = _p[i].Z();
1027  }
1028 = getWeight();
1029 = getGeneratorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace();
1030  return true;
1031 }
1032 unsigned int DalitzEvent::ntupleVarArraySize() const{
1033  return _p.size() * singleParticleNtpArraySize() + 2;
1034 }
1036 /*
1037 bool DalitzEvent::mapMe(const Permutation& mapping){
1038  bool s=true;
1039  s &= resetST();
1040  _pat = (DalitzEventPattern) mapping.mapOrder(_pat);
1041  std::vector<TLorentzVector> newP(mapping.mapOrder(_p));
1042  s &= setMomenta(newP);
1043  return s;
1044 }
1045 */
1047 bool DalitzEvent::fromTree(TTree* tree){
1048  bool dbThis=false;
1049  // figure out format: TNtuple or what?
1050  if(0 == tree) return 0;
1051  std::string treeName(tree->ClassName());
1052  if(dbThis) cout << "ClassName \"" << treeName << "\"" << endl;
1053  if(treeName == (std::string) "TNtupleD"){
1054  if(dbThis)cout << "DalitzEvent::fromTree: tree is TNtupleD" << endl;
1055  return fromNtuple((TNtupleD*)tree);
1056  }else{
1057  if(dbThis) cout << "DalitzEvent::fromTree: tree is ParasTree" << endl;
1058  return fromParasTree(tree);
1059  }
1060 }
1061 bool DalitzEvent::fromNtuple(TNtupleD* ntp){
1062  // assumes ntuple is set to the correct
1063  // entry (using ntp->GetEntry(int i))
1064  bool dbThis=false;
1065  if(dbThis) cout << "DalitzEvent::fromNtuple(" << ntp->GetName() << ") called" << endl;
1066  int arraySize = ntp->GetNvar();
1067  // int arraySize = ntp->GetNbranches();
1068  if(dbThis) cout << " arraySize " << arraySize << endl;
1069  bool newFormat = false;
1070  if(0 == (arraySize-2)%singleParticleNtpArraySize() ){
1071  if(dbThis) cout << "New Format" << endl;
1072  newFormat = true; // includes weight & generatorPdf
1073  }else if( 0 == (arraySize)%singleParticleNtpArraySize()){
1074  newFormat = false; // excludes weight & generatorPdf
1075  }else{
1076  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::fromNtuple length of array"
1077  << " in ntuple = " << arraySize
1078  << "\n > not a multiple of # entries per particle = "
1080  << endl;
1081  return false;
1082  }
1083  const Double_t* array = ntp->GetArgs();
1085  if(dbThis) cout << " array ptr " << array << endl;
1086  int counter = 0;
1087  int maxCounter = arraySize - (singleParticleNtpArraySize()-1);
1088  if(newFormat) maxCounter -= 2;
1089  int nParticles;
1090  if(newFormat){
1091  nParticles = (arraySize-2)/singleParticleNtpArraySize();
1092  }else{
1093  nParticles = arraySize/singleParticleNtpArraySize();
1094  }
1095  if(dbThis){
1096  cout << "nParticles = " << nParticles
1097  << " arraySize = " << arraySize
1098  << endl;
1099  }
1101  _pat.resize(nParticles);
1102  _p.resize(nParticles);
1103  for(int i=0; i< nParticles && counter < maxCounter; i++){
1104  if(dbThis) cout << "filling " << i << " th particle: " << endl;
1105  _pat[i] = nearestInt(array[counter++]);
1106  _p[i].SetE(array[counter++]);
1107  _p[i].SetX(array[counter++]);
1108  _p[i].SetY(array[counter++]);
1109  _p[i].SetZ(array[counter++]);
1111  // check units (should be MeV, but will recognise if its GeV and
1112  // translate it to MeV)
1114  double units(1);
1115  double dMeV = abs(_pat[i].mass() - _p[i].M()*MeV);
1116  double dGeV = abs(_pat[i].mass() - _p[i].M()*GeV);
1117  if(dMeV < dGeV) units=MeV;
1118  else units=GeV;
1119  _p[i] *= units;
1121  if(dbThis){
1122  cout << "\t" << _pat[i] << " " << _p[i]
1123  << ", m= " << _p[i].M() << endl;
1124  }
1125  }
1126  if(newFormat){
1127  setWeight(array[counter++]);
1128  setGeneratorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(array[counter++]);
1129  }
1130  if(dbThis){
1131  cout << " weight, pdf "
1132  << getWeight() << ", "
1134  }
1135  resetST();
1137  if(dbThis){
1138  cout << "this is me now " << endl;
1139  this->print();
1140  cout << "done it all, returning" << endl;
1141  }
1142  return true;
1143 }
1145  bool dbThis=false;
1146  bool forcePDGMassForFinalState=true;
1148  if(dbThis) cout << "DalitzEvent::fromTREE(" << ntp << ") OLD called" << endl;
1150  int arraySize = ntp->GetNbranches();
1151  if(dbThis) cout << " arraySize " << arraySize << endl;
1152  bool newFormat = false;
1153  if(0 == (arraySize-2)%singleParticleNtpArraySize() ){
1154  newFormat = true; // includes weight & generatorPdf
1155  if(dbThis) cout << " new Format" << endl;
1156  }else if( 0 == (arraySize)%singleParticleNtpArraySize()){
1157  newFormat = false; // excludes weight & generatorPdf
1158  if(dbThis) cout << " old Format" << endl;
1159  }else{
1160  cout << "ERROR in DalitzEvent::fromTree length of array"
1161  << " in ntuple = " << arraySize
1162  << "\n > not a multiple of # entries per particle = "
1164  << endl;
1165  return false;
1166  }
1167  const TObjArray* branchArray = ntp->GetListOfBranches();
1169  if(dbThis) cout << " array ptr " << branchArray << endl;
1170  int counter = 0;
1171  int maxCounter = arraySize - (singleParticleNtpArraySize()-1);
1172  if(newFormat) maxCounter -= 2;
1173  int nParticles;
1174  if(newFormat){
1175  nParticles = (arraySize-2)/singleParticleNtpArraySize();
1176  }else{
1177  nParticles = arraySize/singleParticleNtpArraySize();
1178  }
1179  if(dbThis){
1180  cout << "nParticles = " << nParticles
1181  << " arraySize = " << arraySize
1182  << endl;
1183  }
1185  _pat.resize(nParticles);
1186  _p.resize(nParticles);
1187  for(int i=0; i< nParticles && counter < maxCounter; i++){
1188  if(dbThis) cout << "filling " << i << " th particle: " << endl;
1189  TObjArray* leafArray;
1190  double leafVal = -9999;
1191  std::string leafName;
1192  leafArray=
1193  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1194  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1195  leafName = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetName();
1196  if(dbThis) cout << " leaf[ " << counter-1 << "] "
1197  << leafVal << endl;
1198  _p[i].SetE(leafVal*GeV);
1199  leafArray =
1200  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1201  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1202  leafName = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetName();
1203  if(dbThis){
1204  cout << " leaf[ " << counter-1 << "] " << leafName
1205  << ": " << leafVal << endl;
1206  }
1207  _p[i].SetX(leafVal*GeV);
1208  leafArray =
1209  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1210  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1211  if(dbThis) cout << " leaf[ " << counter-1 << "] " << leafVal << endl;
1212  _p[i].SetY(leafVal*GeV);
1213  leafArray =
1214  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1215  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1216  if(dbThis) cout << " leaf[ " << counter-1 << "] " << leafVal << endl;
1217  _p[i].SetZ(leafVal*GeV);
1218  leafArray =
1219  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1220  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1221  if(dbThis) cout << " leaf[ " << counter-1 << "] " << leafVal << endl;
1222  _pat[i] = nearestInt(leafVal);
1224  if(forcePDGMassForFinalState && i > 0){
1225  double m=_pat[i].mass();
1226  _p[i].SetE(sqrt(m*m + _p[i].Rho()*_p[i].Rho()));
1227  }
1228  if(dbThis) cout << " got pattern " << (int) _pat[i] << endl;
1230  if(dbThis){
1231  cout << "\t" << _pat[i] << " " << _p[i]
1232  << ", m= " << _p[i].M() << endl;
1233  }
1234  }
1235  if(newFormat){
1236  TObjArray* leafArray;
1237  double leafVal = -9999;
1238  leafArray =
1239  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1240  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1241  if(dbThis) cout << " leaf[ " << counter-1 << "] " << leafVal << endl;
1242  setWeight(leafVal);
1244  leafArray =
1245  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[counter++])->GetListOfLeaves();
1246  leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1248  }
1249  if(dbThis){
1250  cout << " weight, pdf "
1251  << getWeight() << ", "
1253  }
1254  resetST();
1256  if(dbThis) cout << "done it all, returning" << endl;
1257  return true;
1258 }
1260 bool DalitzEvent::parseNtpEntryName(const std::string& entry
1261  , std::string& part1
1262  , std::string& part2){
1263  int posOf_ = entry.find_last_of('_');
1264  if(std::string::npos == posOf_)
1265  return false ;
1266  part1 = entry.substr(0, posOf_);
1267  part2 = entry.substr(posOf_ +1);
1268  return true;
1269 }
1272  bool dbThis=false;
1273  bool forcePDGMassForFinalState=true;
1275  if(dbThis) cout << "DalitzEvent::fromTREE(" << ntp << ") called" << endl;
1277  int arraySize = ntp->GetNbranches();
1278  if(dbThis) cout << " arraySize " << arraySize << endl;
1279  const TObjArray* branchArray = ntp->GetListOfBranches();
1281  map<string, map<std::string, double> > prtMap;
1283  double weight=1;
1284  double genPdf=1;
1285  for(int i=0; i< arraySize; i++){
1286  TObjArray* leafArray=
1287  ((TBranch*) (*branchArray)[i])->GetListOfLeaves();
1288  double leafVal = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetValue();
1289  std::string leafName = ((TLeaf*) (*leafArray)[0])->GetName();
1291  std::string parName, element;
1292  parseNtpEntryName(leafName, parName, element);
1293  if(dbThis){
1294  cout << " leaf[ " << i << "] "
1295  << leafName << "; " << leafVal << endl;
1296  }
1298  if("weight" == leafName) weight=leafVal;
1299  else if("genPdf" == leafName) genPdf = leafVal;
1300  else{
1301  std::string parName, element;
1302  if(!parseNtpEntryName(leafName, parName, element)){
1303  // leafName doesn't contain an underscore.
1304  continue ;
1305  }
1306  (prtMap[parName])[element] = leafVal;
1307  if(dbThis){
1308  cout << "\t leaf[ " << i << "] name parsed: "
1309  << parName << ", " << element
1310  << endl;
1311  }
1312  }
1313  }
1314  int nParticles = prtMap.size();
1315  if(dbThis) cout << "nParticles = " << nParticles << endl;
1316  _pat.resize(nParticles);
1317  _p.resize(nParticles);
1319  int counter=0;
1320  for(map<string, map<string, double> >::iterator it =
1321  prtMap.begin();
1322  it != prtMap.end();
1323  it++, counter++){
1324  _pat[counter] = (it->second)["pdg"];
1325  if(dbThis){
1326  cout << "just filled _pat[" << counter << "] with: "
1327  << (it->second)["pdg"] << "; see: " << _pat[counter]
1328  << endl;
1329  }
1330  _p[counter].SetE((it->second)["E"]);
1331  _p[counter].SetPx((it->second)["Px"]);
1332  _p[counter].SetPy((it->second)["Py"]);
1333  _p[counter].SetPz((it->second)["Pz"]);
1335  // check units (Paras usually GeV, else usually MeV)
1336  double units;
1337  double dMeV = abs(_pat[counter].mass() - _p[counter].M()*MeV);
1338  double dGeV = abs(_pat[counter].mass() - _p[counter].M()*GeV);
1339  if(dMeV < dGeV) units=MeV;
1340  else units=GeV;
1341  _p[counter] *= units;
1343  if(forcePDGMassForFinalState && counter > 0){
1344  double m = _pat[counter].mass();
1345  double p3 = _p[counter].Rho();
1346  _p[counter].SetE(sqrt(m*m + p3*p3));
1347  }
1348  }
1349  setWeight(weight);
1351  if(dbThis){
1352  cout << " weight, pdf "
1353  << getWeight() << ", "
1355  for(int i=0; i < nParticles; i++){
1356  cout << _pat[i] << " ) " << _p[i] << " m = " << _p[i].M() << endl;
1357  }
1358  }
1359  resetST();
1361  if(dbThis) cout << "done it all, returning" << endl;
1362  return true;
1363  }
1365 // non-members:
1367 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DalitzEvent& de){
1368  de.print(os);
1369  return os;
1370 }
1372 //
virtual double getValueFromVector(unsigned int i) const
virtual void setWeight(double w)
double sijMax(const MINT::PolymorphVector< int > &indices) const
std::vector< double > _vectorOfValues
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:54
virtual void setMothers3Momentum(const TVector3 &mp3)
static std::string prtToNtpName(const std::string &s_in)
virtual ~DalitzEvent()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > _t
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:58
void setPattern(const DalitzEventPattern &pat)
Definition: Permutator.cpp:23
int numPermutations() const
bool fromParasTreeOld(TTree *ntp)
virtual const std::vector< double > & getVectorOfValues() const
static long int _rememberVectorCounter
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:39
virtual double sij(const std::vector< int > &indices) const
void resize(unsigned int N)
const TLorentzVector & p_intern(unsigned int i) const
double phaseSpace4() const
std::string name() const
std::string makeNtupleVarnames() const
virtual void CP_conjugateYourself()
IDalitzEvent * clone() const
bool fillNtupleVarArray(std::vector< Double_t > &array) const
static const double pi
bool setMomenta(const std::vector< TLorentzVector > &mumAndDgtr_p4)
bool resetST()
TLorentzVector pVec(int i)
virtual double phaseSpace() const
virtual void P_conjugateYourself()
Permutator _perm
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:63
const Permutation & currentPermutation() const
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:148
virtual const DalitzEventPattern & eventPattern() const
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:173
bool fromTree(TTree *tree)
virtual void setValueInVector(unsigned int i, double value)
static long int assignUniqueRememberNumber()
Definition: DalitzEvent.cpp:29
bool fromParasTree(TTree *ntp)
virtual double getWeightFromVector(unsigned int i) const
bool shoutAndKill()
double Delta4() const
std::vector< double > _vectorOfWeights
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:55
virtual const std::vector< double > & getVectorOfWeights() const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > _s
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:57
static const double MeV
void setPermutationIndex(int i)
int nearestInt(double f)
Definition: Utils.cpp:26
double m2(unsigned int i) const
virtual void setWeightInVector(unsigned int i, double weight)
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:222
double phaseSpace3(double epsilon=1.e-9) const
static bool parseNtpEntryName(const std::string &entry, std::string &part1, std::string &part2)
void generateThisToPhaseSpace(TRandom *rnd=0)
virtual const TLorentzVector & p(unsigned int i) const =0
double sijMin(const MINT::PolymorphVector< int > &indices) const
virtual double getWeight() const
double _rememberPhaseSpace
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:45
double _generatorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:52
TLorentzVector p_dgtr_sum() const
static std::string ntpToPrtName(const std::string &s_in)
T & at(unsigned int i)
virtual void C_conjugateYourself()
virtual double getGeneratorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace() const
const Val & keyFinder(const Key &k, const std::map< Key, Val > &m, const Val &dummy, bool &successFlag)
Definition: Utils.h:20
std::vector< TLorentzVector > _p
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:43
virtual const DalitzEventPattern & eventPattern() const =0
unsigned int ntupleVarArraySize() const
double getWeight(const EVT_TYPE &)
double sijMap_intern(const std::vector< int > &intern_indices) const
virtual const TLorentzVector & p(unsigned int i) const
DalitzEventPattern _pat
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:42
static const double GeV
unsigned int size() const
double t_intern(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
bool fromNtuple(TNtupleD *ntp)
virtual double t(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
std::string anythingToString(const T &anything)
Definition: Utils.h:62
static const char prtNameChars[]
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:31
double sijMin(const std::vector< int > &indices) const
DalitzEventPattern makeCPConjugate() const
double m(unsigned int i) const
int _permutationIndex
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:62
void print(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
virtual double s(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DalitzEvent &de)
static long int _eventCounter
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:37
double evalsij_intern(const std::vector< int > &intern_indices) const
virtual void setGeneratorPdfRelativeToPhaseSpace(double gpdf)
static int singleParticleNtpArraySize()
Calculate4BodyProps makeCalculate4BodyProps() const
double s_intern(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
static const char ntpNameChars[]
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:30
static const double m3
Double_t phaseSpace(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Definition: Histo_BW.cpp:79
double sijMap(const std::vector< int > &indices) const
std::map< std::vector< int >, double > _sijMap
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:59
bool kinematicallyAllowed(double epsilon=1.e-9) const
double sijMax(const std::vector< int > &indices) const
double _weight
Definition: DalitzEvent.h:51
void setP(unsigned int i, const TLorentzVector &p4)
double BDet() const