Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
BW_BW Class Reference

#include <BW_BW.h>

Inheritance diagram for BW_BW:
ILineshape MINT::FitParDependent MINT::IFitParDependent MINT::IFitParRegister MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef > MINT::IFitParDependent Bugg_BW BW_BW_DifferentMother CrystalBallRhoOmega CrystalBarrelFOCUS FermiPS_BW Flatte FocusFlatte GLass GounarisSakurai Histo_BW Lass Model_independent NonRes Rho0Omega SBW

Public Member Functions

virtual double prSq () const
virtual double prSqForGofM () const
virtual double pABSq ()
virtual double prSqMax () const
 BW_BW (const AssociatedDecayTree &decay, const std::string &lineshapePrefix="", MINT::MinuitParameterSet *mps=0)
 BW_BW (const BW_BW &other)
virtual ~BW_BW ()
virtual std::complex< double > getVal (IDalitzEvent &evt)
virtual void print (IDalitzEvent &evt, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
virtual void print (std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
virtual DalitzCoordinate getDalitzCoordinate (double nSigma=3) const
virtual MINT::counted_ptr< IGenFctgeneratingFunction () const
virtual void setGenerationLimits (double mi, double ma)
virtual std::string name () const
virtual int twoLPlusOne () const
virtual std::complex< double > EvtGenValue (IDalitzEvent &evt)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILineshape
virtual ~ILineshape ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MINT::FitParDependent
virtual unsigned int size () const
virtual const FitParRefoperator[] (unsigned int i) const
virtual FitParRefoperator[] (unsigned int i)
virtual bool changedSinceLastCall () const
virtual void rememberFitParValues ()
virtual bool registerFitParDependence (const IFitParDependent &fpd)
bool registerFitParDependence (const FitParRef &fpr)
void removeAllFitParDependencies ()
 FitParDependent (IFitParRegister *daddy=0)
 FitParDependent (const FitParDependent &other, IFitParRegister *newDaddy=0)
void listFitParDependencies (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef >
 PolymorphVector ()
 PolymorphVector (unsigned int N)
 PolymorphVector (unsigned int N, const FitParRef &c)
 PolymorphVector (const PolymorphVector &other)
 PolymorphVector (const typename std::vector< FitParRef > &other)
virtual ~PolymorphVector ()
std::vector< FitParRef > & theVector ()
const std::vector< FitParRef > & theVector () const
FitParRefoperator[] (unsigned int i)
const FitParRefoperator[] (unsigned int i) const
FitParRefat (unsigned int i)
const FitParRefat (unsigned int i) const
std::vector< FitParRef >::iterator begin ()
std::vector< FitParRef >::const_iterator begin () const
std::vector< FitParRef >::iterator end ()
std::vector< FitParRef >::const_iterator end () const
std::vector< FitParRef >::iterator find (const FitParRef &c)
std::vector< FitParRef >::const_iterator find (const FitParRef &c) const
FitParReffront ()
const FitParReffront () const
FitParRefback ()
const FitParRefback () const
unsigned int size () const
bool empty () const
void push_back (const FitParRef &c)
void pop_back ()
void erase (typename std::vector< FitParRef >::iterator pos)
void erase (typename std::vector< FitParRef >::iterator first, typename std::vector< FitParRef >::iterator last)
PolymorphVector< FitParRef > & operator= (const PolymorphVector< FitParRef > &other)
void clear ()
void resize (unsigned int N)
void resize (unsigned int N, const FitParRef &c)
 operator const typename std::vector< FitParRef > & () const
 operator typename std::vector< FitParRef > & ()
bool operator== (const MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef > &v2) const
bool operator!= (const MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef > &v2) const
bool operator< (const MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef > &v2) const
bool operator> (const MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef > &v2) const

Protected Member Functions

const MINT::MinuitParameterSetgetMinuitParameterSet () const
MINT::MinuitParameterSetgetMinuitParameterSet ()
const std::string & prefix () const
bool substitutePDGForReco () const
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame (double mumsMass, double mA, double mB) const
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame () const
virtual double twoBody_recodgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame () const
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsRecoFrame ()
bool setEventPtr (IDalitzEvent &evt) const
IDalitzEventgetEvent () const
bool setAllFitParameters ()
ResonancePropertiesListresonancePropertiesList () const
const ResonancePropertiesresonanceProperties () const
virtual const ParticlePropertiesmumsProperties () const
virtual ResonancePropertiesFitRefmumsFittableProperties () const
virtual int mumsPID () const
virtual double mumsMass () const
virtual double mumsWidth () const
virtual double mumsRadius () const
virtual double globalRadius () const
virtual double Radius () const
double GetAlpha () const
virtual int lowestPossibleTwoLPlusOne () const
virtual int maxDaughterSpinSum () const
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum () const
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum2 () const
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum3 () const
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum4 () const
virtual int maxDaughterPairSpinSum (int i, int j) const
virtual int minDaughterPairSpinSum (int i, int j) const
virtual std::string mumsSpin () const
virtual int mumsSpinValue () const
virtual int mumsParity () const
virtual bool startOfDecayChain () const
virtual bool parityConservingL (int L) const
virtual double mumsRecoMass2 () const
virtual double mumsRecoMass () const
virtual MultiQuarkContent mumsQuarkContent () const
bool nonResonant () const
virtual int numDaughters () const
virtual TLorentzVector daughterP4 (int i) const
virtual double daughterPDGMass (const int &i) const
virtual double daughterWidth (int i) const
virtual double daughterRecoMass2 (int i) const
virtual double daughterRecoMass (int i) const
virtual std::string daughterSpin (int i) const
virtual int daughterSpinValue (int i) const
virtual MultiQuarkContent daughterQuarkContent (int i) const
virtual int daughterP (int i) const
virtual int dgtrsInternalParity () const
virtual MultiQuarkContent dgtrsQuarkContent () const
virtual bool isWeakDecay () const
virtual double Fr_PDG_BL ()
virtual double Fr_BELLE (double prSquared)
virtual double Fr_BELLE_Max ()
virtual double Fr ()
virtual double FrForGofM ()
virtual double FrMax ()
virtual double GofM ()
virtual std::complex< double > BreitWigner ()
virtual void resetInternals ()
virtual void resetPDG ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _prefix
MINT::NamedParameter< int > _normBF
bool _useGlobalRadius
const AssociatedDecayTree_theDecay
double _gen_s_mi
double _gen_s_ma
- Protected Attributes inherited from MINT::PolymorphVector< FitParRef >
std::vector< FitParRef_vec

Private Member Functions

double peakShift () const
double peakPosition () const
void makeGeneratingFunction () const

Private Attributes

double _prSq
double _prSqForGofM
double _pABSq
double _mumsRecoMass2
double _mumsRecoMass
double _Fr_BELLE
double _Fr_PDG_BL
double _GofM
int _mumsPID
bool _mumsPID_set
int _mumsParity
int _dgtrsInternalParity
int _twoLPlusOne
std::vector< double > _daughterRecoMass2
std::vector< double > _daughterPDGMass
std::vector< double > _daughterWidth
bool _substitutePDGForReco
MINT::counted_ptr< IGenFct_genFct

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file BW_BW.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BW_BW() [1/2]

BW_BW::BW_BW ( const AssociatedDecayTree decay,
const std::string &  lineshapePrefix = "",
MINT::MinuitParameterSet mps = 0 

Definition at line 26 of file BW_BW.cpp.

27  : _eventPtr(0)
28  , _prSq(-9999.0)
29  , _prSqForGofM(-9999.0)
30  , _pABSq(-9999.0)
31  // , _mumsPDGMass(-9999.0)
32  // , _mumsPDGWidth(-9999.0)
33  , _mumsRecoMass2(-9999.0)
34  , _mumsRecoMass(-9999.0)
35  , _Fr_BELLE(-9999.0)
36  , _Fr_PDG_BL(-9999.0)
37  , _GofM(-9999.0)
38  , _mumsPID(0)
39  , _mumsPID_set(false)
40  // , _mumsPDGRadius(-9999.0)
41  , _mumsParity(0)
43  , _twoLPlusOne(-9999)
44  , _daughterRecoMass2(2, -9999.0)
45  , _daughterPDGMass(2, -9999.0)
46  , _daughterWidth(2, -9999.0)
47  , _substitutePDGForReco(false)
48  , _genFct(0)
49  , _mps(mps)
50  , _prefix(lineshapePrefix)
51  , _normBF("NormBF", 2)
52  , _useGlobalRadius(true)
53  , _theDecay(decay)
54  , _gen_s_mi(0)
55  , _gen_s_ma(0)
56  , _RPL(0)
59 {
60  // const fitSetup* fs = fitSetup::getMe();
61  resetPDG();
62  if(0 == _mps) _mps = MinuitParameterSet::getDefaultSet();
64  if(_theDecay.nDgtr() > 2 && ! (startOfDecayChain())){
65  std::cout << "WARNING: BW_BW can only properly handle"
66  << "\n > two body decays."
67  << "\n > This: " << _theDecay.oneLiner()
68  << "\n > is a " << _theDecay.nDgtr() << " body decay."
69  << "\n > Please improve me."
70  << std::endl;
71  std::cout << " startOfDecayChain()? " << startOfDecayChain()
72  << " PID " << mumsPID()
73  << std::endl;
74  }
75  /*
76  _RPL = ResonancePropertiesList::getMe();
77  if(_RPL->get(mumsPID())==0){
78  ResonanceProperties* rp= new ResonanceProperties(mumsProperties()->name());
79  _RPL->AddToList(rp);
80  }
81  */
83 }
ResonancePropertiesList * _RPL
Definition: BW_BW.h:97
double _gen_s_ma
Definition: BW_BW.h:70
double _prSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterPDGMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
int _twoLPlusOne
Definition: BW_BW.h:44
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual void resetPDG()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1123
int _mumsParity
Definition: BW_BW.h:42
int _dgtrsInternalParity
Definition: BW_BW.h:42
MINT::MinuitParameterSet * _mps
Definition: BW_BW.h:59
double _gen_s_mi
Definition: BW_BW.h:70
virtual int mumsPID() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:517
double _prSqForGofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::string _prefix
Definition: BW_BW.h:64
bool setAllFitParameters()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:426
bool _substitutePDGForReco
Definition: BW_BW.h:49
double _pABSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
int _mumsPID
Definition: BW_BW.h:37
MINT::NamedParameter< int > _normBF
Definition: BW_BW.h:66
double _Fr_BELLE
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
virtual bool startOfDecayChain() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:532
MINT::FitParRef * _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:99
bool _mumsPID_set
Definition: BW_BW.h:38
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375
double _Fr_PDG_BL
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterWidth
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
double _GofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
ResonancePropertiesFitRef * _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:98
MINT::counted_ptr< IGenFct > _genFct
Definition: BW_BW.h:51
bool _useGlobalRadius
Definition: BW_BW.h:67
double _mumsRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
IDalitzEvent * _eventPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:32
double _mumsRecoMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ BW_BW() [2/2]

BW_BW::BW_BW ( const BW_BW other)

Definition at line 84 of file BW_BW.cpp.

85  : ILineshape()
86  , FitParDependent(other)
87  , _prSq(other._prSq)
88  , _prSqForGofM(other._prSqForGofM)
89  , _pABSq(other._pABSq)
90  // , _mumsPDGMass(other._mumsPDGMass)
91  // , _mumsPDGWidth(other._mumsPDGWidth)
94  , _Fr_BELLE(other._Fr_BELLE)
95  , _Fr_PDG_BL(other._Fr_PDG_BL)
96  , _GofM(other._GofM)
97  , _mumsPID(other._mumsPID)
98  , _mumsPID_set(other._mumsPID_set)
99  // , _mumsPDGRadius(other._mumsPDGRadius)
100  , _mumsParity(other._mumsParity)
102  , _twoLPlusOne(other._twoLPlusOne)
107  , _genFct(other._genFct)
108  , _mps(other._mps)
109  , _prefix(other._prefix)
110  , _normBF(other._normBF)
112  , _theDecay(other._theDecay)
113  , _gen_s_mi(other._gen_s_mi)
114  , _gen_s_ma(other._gen_s_ma)
115  , _RPL(other._RPL)
118 {
120  /* if(_RPL->get(mumsPID())==0){
121  ResonanceProperties* rp= new ResonanceProperties(mumsProperties()->name());
122  _RPL->AddToList(rp);
123  }
124  */
126 }
FitParDependent(IFitParRegister *daddy=0)
ResonancePropertiesList * _RPL
Definition: BW_BW.h:97
double _gen_s_ma
Definition: BW_BW.h:70
double _prSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterPDGMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
int _twoLPlusOne
Definition: BW_BW.h:44
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
int _mumsParity
Definition: BW_BW.h:42
int _dgtrsInternalParity
Definition: BW_BW.h:42
MINT::MinuitParameterSet * _mps
Definition: BW_BW.h:59
double _gen_s_mi
Definition: BW_BW.h:70
double _prSqForGofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::string _prefix
Definition: BW_BW.h:64
bool setAllFitParameters()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:426
bool _substitutePDGForReco
Definition: BW_BW.h:49
double _pABSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
int _mumsPID
Definition: BW_BW.h:37
MINT::NamedParameter< int > _normBF
Definition: BW_BW.h:66
double _Fr_BELLE
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
MINT::FitParRef * _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:99
bool _mumsPID_set
Definition: BW_BW.h:38
double _Fr_PDG_BL
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterWidth
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
double _GofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
ResonancePropertiesFitRef * _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:98
MINT::counted_ptr< IGenFct > _genFct
Definition: BW_BW.h:51
bool _useGlobalRadius
Definition: BW_BW.h:67
double _mumsRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
double _mumsRecoMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ ~BW_BW()

BW_BW::~BW_BW ( )

Definition at line 128 of file BW_BW.cpp.

128  {
131 }
MINT::FitParRef * _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:99
ResonancePropertiesFitRef * _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:98

Member Function Documentation

◆ BreitWigner()

std::complex< double > BW_BW::BreitWigner ( )

Reimplemented in Histo_BW, Bugg_BW, FocusFlatte, Flatte, SBW, and GLass.

Definition at line 1093 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1093  {
1094  double mass = mumsMass();
1095  double width = mumsWidth();
1097  double gamma = sqrt(mass*mass*(mass*mass+width*width));
1098  double k = mass*width*gamma/sqrt(mass*mass+gamma);
1100  std::complex<double> BW(mass*mass - mumsRecoMass2(), mass * GofM());
1101  double den = (mass*mass - mumsRecoMass2())*(mass*mass - mumsRecoMass2()) + mass * GofM() * mass * GofM();
1103  //std::complex<double> invBW(mass*mass - mumsRecoMass2(), - mass * GofM());
1104  //return 1.*GeV*GeV/invBW;
1105  return sqrt(k)*BW/den;
1106  // return std::complex<Double_t>(ReBreitWigner(), ImBreitWigner());
1107 }
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double mumsRecoMass2() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:548
virtual double GofM()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1035
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460

◆ daughterP()

int BW_BW::daughterP ( int  i) const

Definition at line 255 of file BW_BW.cpp.

255  {
256  if( i >= numDaughters() || i < 0){
257  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterSpinValue:"
258  << " You requested the spin of dgtr number " << i
259  << ". There are " << numDaughters()
260  << " daughters." << endl;
261  return 0;
262  }
263  const ParticleProperties* pp = _theDecay.getDgtrVal(i).props();
264  if(0==pp){
265  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::daughterP(" << i <<")"
266  << " can't find properties for first element"
267  << " in this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
268  throw "invalid decay tree in BW_BW::daughterP()";
269  }
270  return pp->P();
271 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
const ParticleProperties * props() const
virtual int numDaughters() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:252
const ValueType & getDgtrVal(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:108

◆ daughterP4()

TLorentzVector BW_BW::daughterP4 ( int  i) const

Definition at line 566 of file BW_BW.cpp.

566  {
567  // for diagnostics only.
568  if( i >= _theDecay.nDgtr() || i < 0){
569  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterP4:"
570  << " You requested the 4-momentum of dgtr number " << i
571  << ". There are " << _theDecay.nDgtr()
572  << " daughters." << endl;
573  exit(1);
574  }
576  std::vector<int> asi = dgtr->getVal().asi();
577  if(asi.size() < 2){
578  return getEvent()->p(asi[0]);
579  }else{
580  return TLorentzVector();
581  }
582 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
IDalitzEvent * getEvent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:147
MINT::const_counted_ptr< DDTree< ValueType > > getDgtrTreePtr(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:114
virtual const TLorentzVector & p(unsigned int i) const =0
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
const std::vector< int > & asi() const

◆ daughterPDGMass()

double BW_BW::daughterPDGMass ( const int &  i) const

Definition at line 648 of file BW_BW.cpp.

648  {
649  if( i >= _theDecay.nDgtr() || i < 0 ){
650  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterPDGMass:"
651  << " You requested the mass of dgtr number " << i
652  << ". There are " << _theDecay.nDgtr()
653  << " daughters." << endl;
654  return -9999;
655  }
657  if( _daughterPDGMass[i] < 0 ){
659  }
663  }
665  return _daughterPDGMass[i];
666 }
std::vector< double > _daughterPDGMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
double mass() const
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
bool isNonResonant() const
const ValueType & getDgtrVal(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:108

◆ daughterQuarkContent()

MultiQuarkContent BW_BW::daughterQuarkContent ( int  i) const

Definition at line 692 of file BW_BW.cpp.

692  {
693  if( i >= _theDecay.nDgtr() || i < 0){
694  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterQuarkContent"
695  << " You requested the spin of dgtr number " << i
696  << ". There are " << _theDecay.nDgtr()
697  << " daughters."
698  << "\n\t I'll crash now. Sorry."
699  << endl;
700  throw "can't handle this";
701  }
704  //return _theDecay.getDgtrVal(i).props()->netQuarkContent();
705 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
MINT::const_counted_ptr< DDTree< ValueType > > getDgtrTreePtr(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:114
MultiQuarkContent netQuarkContent(const DecayTree &dt_in)
Definition: DecayTree.cpp:33
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96

◆ daughterRecoMass()

double BW_BW::daughterRecoMass ( int  i) const

Definition at line 617 of file BW_BW.cpp.

617  {
618  if(substitutePDGForReco()) return daughterPDGMass(i);
620  double m2 = daughterRecoMass2(i);
621  if(m2 < 0){
622  cout << " ERROR negative reconstructed mass2"
623  << " in decay:\n " << _theDecay << endl;
624  return - sqrt(-m2);
625  }
626  // cout << " for index " << i << endl;
627  // cout << " m2 = " << m2 << " mass = " << sqrt(m2) << endl;
628  return sqrt(m2);
629 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double daughterPDGMass(const int &i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:648
virtual double daughterRecoMass2(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:583
static const double m2
bool substitutePDGForReco() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:73

◆ daughterRecoMass2()

double BW_BW::daughterRecoMass2 ( int  i) const

Definition at line 583 of file BW_BW.cpp.

583  {
586  if( i >= _theDecay.nDgtr() || i < 0){
587  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterRecoMass2:"
588  << " You requested the mass of dgtr number " << i
589  << ". There are " << _theDecay.nDgtr()
590  << " daughters." << endl;
591  return -9999;
592  }
593  if(_daughterRecoMass2[i] < 0){
596  if(dgtr->isFinalState()){
597  double m = daughterPDGMass(i);
598  _daughterRecoMass2[i] = m*m;
599  //_daughterRecoMass2[i] = daughterP4(i).M2();
600  }else{
601  std::vector<int> asi = dgtr->getVal().asi();
602  if(asi.size() < 2){
603  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::daughterRecoMass2() "
604  << dgtr->getVal()._pdg_id
605  << ", " << dgtr->getVal().name()
606  << " is associated to " << asi.size() << " particles"
607  << " and is not stable? "
608  << _theDecay
609  << endl;
611  }
612  _daughterRecoMass2[i] = getEvent()->sij(asi);
613  }
614  }
615  return _daughterRecoMass2[i];
616 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double daughterPDGMass(const int &i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:648
virtual double sij(const MINT::PolymorphVector< int > &indices) const =0
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
bool isFinalState() const
Definition: DDTree.h:93
IDalitzEvent * getEvent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:147
MINT::const_counted_ptr< DDTree< ValueType > > getDgtrTreePtr(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:114
static const double m
std::vector< double > _daughterRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
bool substitutePDGForReco() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:73
std::string name() const
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
const std::vector< int > & asi() const

◆ daughterSpin()

std::string BW_BW::daughterSpin ( int  i) const

Definition at line 682 of file BW_BW.cpp.

682  {
683  if( i >= _theDecay.nDgtr() || i < 0){
684  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterSpinValue:"
685  << " You requested the spin of dgtr number " << i
686  << ". There are " << _theDecay.nDgtr()
687  << " daughters." << endl;
688  return "-9999";
689  }
690  return _theDecay.getDgtrVal(i).J();
691 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
std::string J() const
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
const ValueType & getDgtrVal(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:108

◆ daughterSpinValue()

int BW_BW::daughterSpinValue ( int  i) const

Definition at line 707 of file BW_BW.cpp.

707  {
708  return atoi(daughterSpin(i).c_str());
709 }
virtual std::string daughterSpin(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:682

◆ daughterWidth()

double BW_BW::daughterWidth ( int  i) const

Definition at line 668 of file BW_BW.cpp.

668  {
669  if( i >= _theDecay.nDgtr() || i < 0){
670  cout << " ERROR in BW_BW::daughterWidth:"
671  << " You requested the mass of dgtr number " << i
672  << ". There are " << _theDecay.nDgtr()
673  << " daughters." << endl;
674  return -9999;
675  }
676  if(_daughterWidth[i] < 0){
678  }
679  return _daughterWidth[i];
680 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
double width() const
std::vector< double > _daughterWidth
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
const ValueType & getDgtrVal(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:108

◆ dgtrsInternalParity()

int BW_BW::dgtrsInternalParity ( ) const

Definition at line 273 of file BW_BW.cpp.

273  {
274  if( 0 == _dgtrsInternalParity ){
276  for(int i=0; i < numDaughters(); i++){
278  }
279  }
280  return _dgtrsInternalParity;
282 }
virtual int daughterP(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:255
int _dgtrsInternalParity
Definition: BW_BW.h:42
virtual int numDaughters() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:252

◆ dgtrsQuarkContent()

MultiQuarkContent BW_BW::dgtrsQuarkContent ( ) const

Definition at line 225 of file BW_BW.cpp.

225  {
226  MultiQuarkContent sum;
227  for(int i=0; i < numDaughters(); i++){
228  sum += daughterQuarkContent(i);
229  }
230  return sum;
231 }
virtual MultiQuarkContent daughterQuarkContent(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:692
virtual int numDaughters() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:252

◆ EvtGenValue()

std::complex< double > BW_BW::EvtGenValue ( IDalitzEvent evt)

Definition at line 1304 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1304  {
1305  // For debugging only.
1306  // This is the EvtGen version of the full 3-body amplitude
1307  // (cut'n'paste with minimal changes).
1308  // BW_BW only returns only the Breit Wigner plus form factor for one
1309  // resonance. So don't compare with BW_BW, but with Amplitude. This
1310  // function is part of BW_BW for convencience, BW_BW provides all
1311  // the "services" needed to compute this.
1313  setEventPtr(evt);
1314  double pi180inv = pi/108.0;//1.0/EvtConst::radToDegrees;
1316  complex<double> ampl(0,0);
1317  double magn =1;
1318  double theta = 0;
1320  int spin = (twoLPlusOne() -1)/2;
1322  // get parent
1323  if(0 == _theDecay.hasParent()) {
1324  return -9999;
1325  }
1326  TLorentzVector p4_p = getEvent()->p(0) * (1./GeV);
1327  TLorentzVector p4_d1 = getEvent()->p(_theDecay.getDgtrTreePtr(0)->getVal().asi()[0]) * (1./GeV);
1328  TLorentzVector p4_d2 = getEvent()->p(_theDecay.getDgtrTreePtr(1)->getVal().asi()[0]) * (1./GeV);
1329  TLorentzVector p4_d3 = p4_p-p4_d1-p4_d2;
1331  //get cos of the angle between the daughters from their 4-momenta
1332  //and the 4-momentum of the parent
1334  //in general, EvtDecayAngle(parent, part1+part2, part1) gives the angle
1335  //the missing particle (not listed in the arguments) makes
1336  //with part2 in the rest frame of both
1337  //listed particles (12)
1339  //angle 3 makes with 2 in rest frame of 12 (CS3)
1340  //double cos_phi_0 = EvtDecayAngle(p4_p, p4_d1+p4_d2, p4_d1);
1341  //angle 3 makes with 1 in 12 is, of course, -cos_phi_0
1343  //first compute several quantities...follow CLEO preprint 00-23
1345  bool invmass_angdenom = false;
1346  double bwm = mumsMass() / GeV;
1347  double gamma = mumsWidth() / GeV;
1349  double mAB=(p4_d1+p4_d2).M();
1350  double mBC=(p4_d2+p4_d3).M();
1351  double mAC=(p4_d1+p4_d3).M();
1352  double mA=p4_d1.M();
1353  double mB=p4_d2.M();
1354  double mD=p4_p.M();
1355  double mC=p4_d3.M();
1357  double mR=bwm;
1358  double mdenom = invmass_angdenom ? mAB : mR;
1359  double gammaR = gamma;
1360  double pAB=sqrt( (((mAB*mAB-mA*mA-mB*mB)*(mAB*mAB-mA*mA-mB*mB)/4.0) -
1361  mA*mA*mB*mB)/(mAB*mAB));
1362  double pR=sqrt( (((mR*mR-mA*mA-mB*mB)*(mR*mR-mA*mA-mB*mB)/4.0) -
1363  mA*mA*mB*mB)/(mR*mR));
1365  double pD= (((mD*mD-mR*mR-mC*mC)*(mD*mD-mR*mR-mC*mC)/4.0) -
1366  mR*mR*mC*mC)/(mD*mD);
1367  if ( pD>0 ) { pD=sqrt(pD); } else {pD=0;}
1368  double pDAB=sqrt( (((mD*mD-mAB*mAB-mC*mC)*(mD*mD-mAB*mAB-mC*mC)/4.0) -
1369  mAB*mAB*mC*mC)/(mD*mD));
1372  // report(INFO,"EvtGen") << mAB<<" "<< mBC<<" "<< mAC<<" "<< mA<<" "<< mB<<" "<< mC<<" "
1373  // << mD<<" "<< mR<<" "<< gammaR<<" "<< pAB<<" "<< pR<<" "<< pD<<" "<<pDAB<<endl;
1375  double fR=1;
1376  double fD=1;
1377  int power=0;
1378  switch (spin) {
1379  case 0:
1380  fR=1.0;
1381  fD=1.0;
1382  power=1;
1383  //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "fR="<<fR<<" fD="<<fD<<endl;
1384  break;
1385  case 1:
1386  fR=sqrt(1.0+1.5*1.5*pR*pR)/sqrt(1.0+1.5*1.5*pAB*pAB);
1387  fD=sqrt(1.0+5.0*5.0*pD*pD)/sqrt(1.0+5.0*5.0*pDAB*pDAB);
1388  //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "fR="<<fR<<" fD="<<fD<<endl;
1389  power=3;
1390  break;
1391  case 2:
1392  fR = sqrt( (9+3*pow((1.5*pR),2)+pow((1.5*pR),4))/(9+3*pow((1.5*pAB),2)+pow((1.5*pAB),4)) );
1393  fD = sqrt( (9+3*pow((5.0*pD),2)+pow((5.0*pD),4))/(9+3*pow((5.0*pDAB),2)+pow((5.0*pDAB),4)) );
1394  power=5;
1395  //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "fR="<<fR<<" fD="<<fD<<std::endl;
1396  break;
1400  default:
1401  ;//report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Incorrect spin in\n";
1402  }
1404  cout << "EvtGen: fR = " << fR << ", fD = " << fD << endl;
1406  // report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "fR = " << fR << " fD = " << fD << endl;
1408  double gammaAB= gammaR*pow(pAB/pR,power)*(mR/mAB)*fR*fR;
1409  cout << "EvtGen: gamma AB = " << gammaAB << endl;
1410  //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << gammaAB<<endl;
1411  double sf;
1412  switch (spin) {
1413  case 0:
1414  ampl=magn*complex<double>(cos(theta*pi180inv),sin(theta*pi180inv))*
1415  fR*fD/(mR*mR-mAB*mAB-complex<double>(0.0,mR*gammaAB));
1416  sf=1;
1417  break;
1418  case 1:
1419  ampl=magn*complex<double>(cos(theta*pi180inv),sin(theta*pi180inv))*
1420  (fR*fD*(mAC*mAC-mBC*mBC+((mD*mD-mC*mC)*(mB*mB-mA*mA)/(mdenom*mdenom)))/
1421  (mR*mR-mAB*mAB-complex<double>(0.0,mR*gammaAB)));
1423  sf = mAC*mAC-mBC*mBC+((mD*mD-mC*mC)*(mB*mB-mA*mA)/(mdenom*mdenom));
1424  cout << "EvtGen: sf spin 1 : " << sf << endl;
1425  break;
1426  case 2:
1427 // ampl=magn*complex<double>(cos(theta*pi180inv),sin(theta*pi180inv))*
1428 // fR*fD/(mR*mR-mAB*mAB-complex<double>(0.0,mR*gammaAB))*
1429 // (pow((mBC*mBC-mAC*mAC+(mD*mD-mC*mC)*(mA*mA-mB*mB)/(mAB*mAB)),2)-
1430 // (1.0/3.0)*(mAB*mAB-2*mD*mD-2*mC*mC+pow((mD*mD- mC*mC)/mAB, 2))*
1431 // (mAB*mAB-2*mA*mA-2*mB*mB+pow((mA*mA-mB*mB)/mAB,2)));
1432  ampl=magn*complex<double>(cos(theta*pi180inv),sin(theta*pi180inv))*
1433  fR*fD/(mR*mR-mAB*mAB-complex<double>(0.0,mR*gammaAB))*
1434  (pow((mBC*mBC-mAC*mAC+(mD*mD-mC*mC)*(mA*mA-mB*mB)/(mdenom*mdenom)),2)-
1435  (1.0/3.0)*(mAB*mAB-2*mD*mD-2*mC*mC+pow((mD*mD- mC*mC)/mdenom, 2))*
1436  (mAB*mAB-2*mA*mA-2*mB*mB+pow((mA*mA-mB*mB)/mdenom,2)));
1438  sf = pow((mBC*mBC-mAC*mAC+(mD*mD-mC*mC)*(mA*mA-mB*mB)/(mdenom*mdenom)),2)-
1439  (1.0/3.0)*(mAB*mAB-2*mD*mD-2*mC*mC+pow((mD*mD- mC*mC)/mdenom, 2))*
1440  (mAB*mAB-2*mA*mA-2*mB*mB+pow((mA*mA-mB*mB)/mdenom,2));
1441  cout << "EvtGen: sf spin 2 " << sf << endl;
1442  break;
1444  default:
1445  ;//report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Incorrect spin in\n";
1446  }
1448  //report(INFO,"EvtGen") <<"The amplitude is "<<ampl<<endl;
1449  return ampl;
1451 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
static const double pi
bool setEventPtr(IDalitzEvent &evt) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:141
IDalitzEvent * getEvent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:147
MINT::const_counted_ptr< DDTree< ValueType > > getDgtrTreePtr(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:114
bool hasParent() const
Definition: DDTree.h:154
virtual const TLorentzVector & p(unsigned int i) const =0
static const double GeV
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460

◆ Fr()

double BW_BW::Fr ( )

Definition at line 710 of file BW_BW.cpp.

710  {
711  return Fr_BELLE(prSq());
712 }
virtual double prSq() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:969
virtual double Fr_BELLE(double prSquared)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:720

◆ Fr_BELLE()

double BW_BW::Fr_BELLE ( double  prSquared)

Definition at line 720 of file BW_BW.cpp.

720  {
721  // (ratio of) Blatt-Weisskopf penetration factors
722  // as in BELLE note hep-ex/0406067, pg 5.
723  bool dbThis=false;
724  //if(startOfDecayChain()) dbThis=true;
726  if(dbThis){
727  cout << " mums name " << mumsProperties()->name() << endl;
728  cout << " decay chain " << _theDecay.oneLiner() << endl;
729  cout << " twoLPlusOne: " << twoLPlusOne() << endl;
730  }
732  double Fr_BELLE;
734  //if(_Fr_BELLE < 0){
735  if(twoLPlusOne() == 1){ // spin = 0
736  Fr_BELLE = 1;
737  if(dbThis){
738  cout << " _Fr_BELLE = " << Fr_BELLE << endl;
739  }
740  return Fr_BELLE;
741  }
742  double R = Radius(); // or mumsRadius() ???
743  double R_pr_sq = R*R * prSquared;
744  double R_pAB_sq = R*R * pABSq();
745  if(twoLPlusOne() == 3){ // spin = 1
746  if(dbThis) cout << "in Fr() " << sqrt(prSqForGofM())
747  << ", " << sqrt(prSquared) << endl;
749  if(dbThis)cout << "BW Fr R = " << R << "prSquared = " << prSqForGofM()
750  << " pABSq() " << prSquared
751  << endl;
752  Fr_BELLE = sqrt( (1. + R_pr_sq)/(1. + R_pAB_sq) );
753  }else if(twoLPlusOne() == 5){ // spin == 2
754  double R_pr_4 = R_pr_sq*R_pr_sq;
755  double R_pAB_4 = R_pAB_sq*R_pAB_sq;
757  Fr_BELLE = sqrt( ( 9. + 3.*R_pr_sq + R_pr_4)
758  /( 9. + 3.*R_pAB_sq + R_pAB_4)
759  );
760  } else{
761  std::cout << "BW_BW for decay \n" << _theDecay
762  << "\n ERROR! Can't deal with L == "
763  << twoLPlusOne()
764  << ". Please improve me!"
765  << std::endl;
766  Fr_BELLE = -9999;
767  }
768  //}
771  if(dbThis){
772  cout << "returning _Fr_BELLE = " << Fr_BELLE << endl;
773  }
774  return Fr_BELLE;
775 }
virtual double prSqForGofM() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:989
virtual const ParticleProperties * mumsProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:380
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double Radius() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:481
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
virtual double pABSq()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1014
virtual double Fr_BELLE(double prSquared)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:720
std::string name() const
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375

◆ Fr_BELLE_Max()

double BW_BW::Fr_BELLE_Max ( )

Definition at line 776 of file BW_BW.cpp.

776  {
777  // Max value of Blatt-Weisskopf penetration factors
778  // as in BELLE note hep-ex/0406067, pg 5.
779  bool dbThis=false;
780  //if(startOfDecayChain()) dbThis=true;
782  if(dbThis){
783  cout << " mums name " << mumsProperties()->name() << endl;
784  cout << " decay chain " << _theDecay.oneLiner() << endl;
785  cout << " twoLPlusOne: " << twoLPlusOne() << endl;
786  }
788  double FrBelleMax=-9999;
790  if(twoLPlusOne() == 1){ // spin = 0
791  FrBelleMax = 1;
792  if(dbThis){
793  cout << " FrBelleMax = " << FrBelleMax << endl;
794  }
795  return FrBelleMax;
796  }
797  double R = Radius(); // or mumsRadius() ???
798  // double R_pr_sq = R*R * prSq();
799  double R_pr_sq = R*R * prSq();
800  double R_pAB_sq = 0;//R*R * pABSq();
801  if(twoLPlusOne() == 3){ // spin = 1
802  if(dbThis) cout << "in FrMax() " << sqrt(prSq())
803  << ", " << sqrt(pABSq()) << endl;
805  if(dbThis)cout << "BW FrMax R = " << R << "prSq() = " << prSq()
806  << " pABSq() " << pABSq()
807  << endl;
808  FrBelleMax = sqrt( (1. + R_pr_sq)/(1. + R_pAB_sq) );
809  }else if(twoLPlusOne() == 5){ // spin == 2
810  double R_pr_4 = R_pr_sq*R_pr_sq;
811  double R_pAB_4 = 0;//R_pAB_sq*R_pAB_sq;
813  FrBelleMax = sqrt( ( 9. + 3.*R_pr_sq + R_pr_4)
814  /( 9. + 3.*R_pAB_sq + R_pAB_4)
815  );
816  } else{
817  std::cout << "BW_BW for decay \n" << _theDecay
818  << "\n ERROR! Can't deal with L == "
819  << twoLPlusOne()
820  << ". Please improve me!"
821  << std::endl;
822  FrBelleMax = -9999;
823  }
824  if(dbThis){
825  cout << "returning FrBelleMax = " << FrBelleMax << endl;
826  cout << " compare: Fr: " << Fr() << endl;
827  }
828  return FrBelleMax;
829 }
virtual double prSq() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:969
virtual double Fr()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:710
virtual const ParticleProperties * mumsProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:380
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double Radius() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:481
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
virtual double pABSq()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1014
std::string name() const
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375

◆ Fr_PDG_BL()

double BW_BW::Fr_PDG_BL ( )

Definition at line 830 of file BW_BW.cpp.

830  {
831  // (ratio of) Blatt-Weisskopf penetration factors
832  // as David Asner's PDG review, Table 1 (page 3),
833  // column 2 (BELLE, above is col 3 in the same table)
835  bool dbThis = false;
836  //if(startOfDecayChain()) dbThis=true;
838  if(dbThis){
839  cout << " BW_BW::Fr mums name " << mumsProperties()->name() << endl;
840  cout << " decay chain " << _theDecay.oneLiner() << endl;
841  cout << " twoLPlusOne: " << twoLPlusOne() << endl;
842  }
844  if(_Fr_PDG_BL < 0){
845  if(twoLPlusOne() == 1){ // spin = 0
846  _Fr_PDG_BL = 1;
847  if(dbThis){
848  cout << " _Fr_PDG_BL = " << _Fr_PDG_BL << endl;
849  }
850  return _Fr_PDG_BL;
851  }
852  double R = Radius(); // or mumsRadius() ???
853  // double R_pr_sq = R*R * prSq();
854  double R_pAB_sq = R*R * pABSq();
856  double z = R_pAB_sq;
858  double FrSq = -9999;
860  if(twoLPlusOne() == 3){ // spin = 1
861  if(dbThis) cout << "in Fr() " << sqrt(prSq())
862  << ", " << sqrt(pABSq()) << endl;
864  if(dbThis)cout << "BW Fr R = " << R << "prSq() = " << prSq()
865  << " pABSq() " << pABSq()
866  << endl;
867  FrSq = 2.0*z/(1.0 + z);
868  if(FrSq >=0) _Fr_PDG_BL = sqrt(FrSq);
869  else _Fr_PDG_BL = 0;
870  }else if(twoLPlusOne() == 5){ // spin == 2
871  FrSq = 13.0*z*z / ( (z-3.0)*(z-3.0) + 9*z );
872  if(FrSq >=0) _Fr_PDG_BL = sqrt(FrSq);
873  else _Fr_PDG_BL = 0;
874  }else{
875  std::cout << "BW_BW for decay \n" << _theDecay
876  << "\n ERROR! Can't deal with L == "
877  << twoLPlusOne()
878  << ". Please improve me!"
879  << std::endl;
880  _Fr_PDG_BL = -9999;
881  }
882  }
883  if(dbThis){
884  cout << "returning _Fr_PDG_BL = " << _Fr_PDG_BL << endl;
885  }
886  return _Fr_PDG_BL;
887 }
virtual double prSq() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:969
virtual const ParticleProperties * mumsProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:380
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double Radius() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:481
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
virtual double pABSq()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1014
std::string name() const
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375
double _Fr_PDG_BL
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ FrForGofM()

double BW_BW::FrForGofM ( )

Definition at line 713 of file BW_BW.cpp.

713  {
714  return Fr_BELLE(prSqForGofM());
715 }
virtual double prSqForGofM() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:989
virtual double Fr_BELLE(double prSquared)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:720

◆ FrMax()

double BW_BW::FrMax ( )

Definition at line 716 of file BW_BW.cpp.

716  {
717  return Fr_BELLE_Max();
718 }
virtual double Fr_BELLE_Max()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:776

◆ generatingFunction()

counted_ptr< IGenFct > BW_BW::generatingFunction ( ) const

Implements ILineshape.

Reimplemented in CrystalBallRhoOmega.

Definition at line 1277 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1277  {
1278  if(! _genFct){
1280  }
1281  return _genFct;
1282 }
MINT::counted_ptr< IGenFct > _genFct
Definition: BW_BW.h:51
void makeGeneratingFunction() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1245

◆ GetAlpha()

double BW_BW::GetAlpha ( ) const

Definition at line 116 of file BW_BW.h.

116  {
117  return _RPL->get(mumsPID())->alpha();
118  }
ResonancePropertiesList * _RPL
Definition: BW_BW.h:97
virtual int mumsPID() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:517
const ResonanceProperties * get(int i) const

◆ getDalitzCoordinate()

DalitzCoordinate BW_BW::getDalitzCoordinate ( double  nSigma = 3) const

Implements ILineshape.

Reimplemented in CrystalBallRhoOmega.

Definition at line 537 of file BW_BW.cpp.

537  {
539  double meanM = mumsMass();
540  double width = mumsWidth();
542  double minMass = meanM - nSigma*width/2.0;
543  double maxMass = meanM + nSigma*width/2.0;
545  coord.setMinMax(minMass*minMass, maxMass*maxMass);
546  return coord;
547 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460
const std::vector< int > & asi() const

◆ getEvent()

IDalitzEvent * BW_BW::getEvent ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file BW_BW.cpp.

147  {
148  return _eventPtr;
149 }
IDalitzEvent * _eventPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:32

◆ getMinuitParameterSet() [1/2]

const MINT::MinuitParameterSet * BW_BW::getMinuitParameterSet ( ) const

Definition at line 133 of file BW_BW.cpp.

133  {
134  return _mps;
135 }
MINT::MinuitParameterSet * _mps
Definition: BW_BW.h:59

◆ getMinuitParameterSet() [2/2]

MINT::MinuitParameterSet * BW_BW::getMinuitParameterSet ( )

Definition at line 136 of file BW_BW.cpp.

136  {
137  if(0 == _mps) _mps = MinuitParameterSet::getDefaultSet();
138  return _mps;
139 }
MINT::MinuitParameterSet * _mps
Definition: BW_BW.h:59

◆ getVal()

std::complex< double > BW_BW::getVal ( IDalitzEvent evt)

Implements ILineshape.

Reimplemented in RhoOmegaGS, CrystalBallRhoOmega, Lass, GounarisSakurai, CrystalBarrelFOCUS, Model_independent, NonRes, and Rho0Omega.

Definition at line 1138 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1138  {
1139  bool dbThis= false; // bigDbg;
1141  setEventPtr(evt);
1142  resetInternals();
1144  double formFactor= 1.;
1145  if( _normBF == 1 ) formFactor = Fr();
1146  else if( _normBF == 0 ) formFactor = Fr_PDG_BL();
1147  else if(_normBF == 2 ) formFactor = Fr_BELLE(0.);
1148  else if(_normBF == 3 ) formFactor = pow(pABSq(),GetAlpha());
1150  if( nonResonant() ){
1151  return formFactor;
1152  }
1154  if(startOfDecayChain()){
1155  // in principle there is no need to distinguish the start
1156  // of the decay chain from the rest - it could just get
1157  // a Breit Wigner (with a constant value of the width of
1158  // the D is zero, as usual). However,
1159  // this is to comply with the usual convention: Only the
1160  // form factor, not the BW-propagator.
1161  if (compareToOldRooFit){
1162  return 1;
1163  }
1164  if(_theDecay.nDgtr() > 2){
1165  // all calculations of Fr etc are meaningless in this case
1166  // assume Fr=1;
1167  if(dbThis){
1168  cout << "BW_BW::getVal() for " << name() << endl;
1169  cout << "instead of Fr() for 2l+1 = " << twoLPlusOne() << endl;
1170  cout << " I'll return 1 " << endl;
1171  }
1172  return 1;
1173  }
1174  return formFactor;
1175  }
1177  if(dbThis){
1178  if(0 != getEvent()){
1179  cout << "BW pz " << getEvent()->p(1).Z() << endl;
1180  }
1181  cout << " BW_BW for "
1182  << _theDecay.oneLiner() << endl; // dbg
1183  cout << "\n > nominalMass " << mumsMass()
1184  << "\n > nominalWidth " << mumsWidth()
1185  << "\n > GoM() " << GofM()
1186  << "\n > Fr() " << Fr()
1187  << "\n > FrForGofM " <<FrForGofM()
1188  << "\n > Fr_BELLE() " <<Fr_BELLE(0.)
1189  << "\n > BW " << BreitWigner()
1190  << "\n > FR*BW = " << Fr() * BreitWigner()
1191  << "\n > recoMass " << mumsRecoMass()
1192  << "\n > EvtGenValue " << EvtGenValue(*(getEvent()))
1193  << endl;
1194  }
1196  const std::complex<double> returnVal = formFactor*BreitWigner();
1198  if(dbThis) cout << " value = " << returnVal
1199  << "|A|^2 | " << returnVal.real()*returnVal.real()
1200  + returnVal.imag()*returnVal.imag()
1201  << endl; //dbg
1203  return returnVal;
1204 }
virtual void resetInternals()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1114
virtual double Fr()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:710
bool compareToOldRooFit
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:24
virtual double FrForGofM()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:713
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
bool setEventPtr(IDalitzEvent &evt) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:141
virtual std::complex< double > EvtGenValue(IDalitzEvent &evt)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1304
virtual double Fr_PDG_BL()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:830
IDalitzEvent * getEvent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:147
bool nonResonant() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:221
virtual const TLorentzVector & p(unsigned int i) const =0
double GetAlpha() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:116
virtual double pABSq()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1014
MINT::NamedParameter< int > _normBF
Definition: BW_BW.h:66
virtual bool startOfDecayChain() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:532
virtual double Fr_BELLE(double prSquared)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:720
virtual double GofM()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1035
virtual double mumsRecoMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:631
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375
virtual std::string name() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:198
virtual std::complex< double > BreitWigner()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1093

◆ globalRadius()

double BW_BW::globalRadius ( ) const

Definition at line 470 of file BW_BW.cpp.

470  {
471  if(0 == _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr){
472  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::Radius()"
473  << " _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr is 0"
474  << ", although it should have been set during construction."
475  << " Looking at this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
476  throw "invalid decay tree in BW_BW::Radius()";
477  }
478  return *_fittableGlobalRadiusPtr;
479 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
MINT::FitParRef * _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:99

◆ GofM()

double BW_BW::GofM ( )

Reimplemented in FermiPS_BW, Histo_BW, FocusFlatte, Flatte, and SBW.

Definition at line 1035 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1035  {
1036  // return mumsWidth(); // debug only!
1037  bool dbThis=false;
1038  if(_GofM < 0){
1039  double densq = prSqForGofM();
1040  double numsq = pABSq();
1041  if(numsq < 0){
1042  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::GofM() for decay\n"
1043  << _theDecay
1044  << "\n ERROR: pABSq() = " << pABSq() << endl;
1045  _GofM = -9999;
1046  return _GofM;
1047  }
1048  double epsilon = 1 * eV*eV;
1049  if(0.0 == densq ) densq = epsilon;
1051  double pratio = 1;
1052  if(densq > 0 && numsq >=0){
1053  pratio = sqrt(numsq/densq);
1054  }
1055  if(dbThis){
1056  cout << "pratio = sqrt( " << numsq << " / " << densq << " )" << endl;
1057  }
1058  double pratio_to_2Jplus1 = 1;
1059  if(dbThis) cout << " pratio "
1060  << pratio
1061  // << "^ 2*mumsSpinValue() + 1 = "; //dbg
1062  << "^ " << twoLPlusOne() << " = "; //dbg
1063  // for(int i=0; i < 2*mumsSpinValue() + 1; i++){
1064  for(int i=0; i < twoLPlusOne(); i++){
1065  pratio_to_2Jplus1 *= pratio;
1066  }
1067  if(dbThis) cout << pratio_to_2Jplus1 << endl;//dbg
1069  densq = mumsRecoMass2();
1070  if(densq <= 0){
1071  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::GofM() for decay\n"
1072  << _theDecay
1073  << ": ERROR: mumsRecoMass() = "
1074  << mumsRecoMass() << endl;
1075  _GofM = -9999;
1076  return _GofM;
1077  }
1078  double mRatio = mumsMass()/sqrt(densq);
1079  // this factor varies for different final states - check!!
1081  double thisFr = FrForGofM();
1082  if(dbThis) cout << "GofM() = " << mumsWidth() << " * " // dbg
1083  << pratio_to_2Jplus1 << " * "
1084  << mRatio << " * "
1085  << thisFr << " * " << thisFr
1086  << endl;
1087  _GofM = mumsWidth() * pratio_to_2Jplus1 * mRatio * thisFr*thisFr;
1088  if(dbThis) cout << " so, GofM/G0 = " << _GofM/mumsWidth() << endl;
1089  }
1090  return _GofM;
1091 }
virtual double prSqForGofM() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:989
virtual double FrForGofM()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:713
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
virtual double mumsRecoMass2() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:548
virtual double pABSq()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1014
virtual double mumsRecoMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:631
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460
static const double eV
double _GofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ isWeakDecay()

bool BW_BW::isWeakDecay ( ) const

Definition at line 211 of file BW_BW.cpp.

211  {
213 }
virtual MultiQuarkContent dgtrsQuarkContent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:225
bool compatible(const MultiQuarkContent &other) const
virtual MultiQuarkContent mumsQuarkContent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:215

◆ lowestPossibleTwoLPlusOne()

int BW_BW::lowestPossibleTwoLPlusOne ( ) const

Definition at line 163 of file BW_BW.cpp.

163  {
164  bool dbThis=false;
165  int l_1 = abs(mumsSpinValue() - maxDaughterSpinSum());
166  int l_2 = abs(mumsSpinValue() - minDaughterSpinSum());
168  int l = (l_1 < l_2 ? l_1 : l_2);
169  int maxL = mumsSpinValue() + maxDaughterSpinSum();
171  if(dbThis){
172  cout << "BW_BW::lowestPossibleTwoLPlusOne() "
173  << _theDecay.oneLiner()
174  << " before considering parity: " << 2*l+1
175  << " for " << mumsSpinValue()
176  << (mumsParity() > 0 ? "+" : "-")
177  << " -> "
178  << daughterSpinValue(0)
179  << (daughterP(0) > 0 ? "+" : "-")
180  << ", "
181  << daughterSpinValue(1)
182  << (daughterP(1) > 0 ? "+" : "-")
183  << " l = " << l
184  << " and maxL " << maxL
185  << " is weak decay? " << isWeakDecay()
186  << endl;
187  }
189  if(! isWeakDecay()){
190  while((! parityConservingL(l)) && l < maxL) l++;
191  }
192  if(dbThis){
193  if(isWeakDecay()){
194  cout << " is weak decay: mum " << mumsQuarkContent()
195  << " daughters: " << dgtrsQuarkContent() << endl;
196  cout << "is weak decay - would it have made a difference?"
197  << " now l = " << l;
198  int tmpL=l;
199  while((! parityConservingL(tmpL)) && tmpL < maxL) tmpL++;
200  cout << ", would have been: " << tmpL << endl;
201  }
202  cout << "\tBW_BW::lowestPossibleTwoLPlusOne() "
203  << " returning " << 2*l+1
204  << " (l=" << l <<")"
205  << endl;
206  }
208  return 2*l + 1;
209 }
virtual int daughterP(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:255
virtual bool parityConservingL(int L) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:233
virtual bool isWeakDecay() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:211
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual int daughterSpinValue(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:707
virtual int mumsSpinValue() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:513
virtual MultiQuarkContent dgtrsQuarkContent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:225
virtual MultiQuarkContent mumsQuarkContent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:215
virtual int mumsParity() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:238
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:292
virtual int maxDaughterSpinSum() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:284

◆ makeGeneratingFunction()

void BW_BW::makeGeneratingFunction ( ) const

Definition at line 1245 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1245  {
1246  if(! _genFct){
1248  std::vector< const_counted_ptr<DDTree<AssociatedDecayTreeItem> > > sister = _theDecay.getSistersTrees() ;
1250  if(nonResonant()){
1252  _genFct = gptr;
1253  }
1254  else if(sister.size()>0){
1255  for (unsigned int i = 0; i< sister.size(); i++) {
1256  if(sister[i]->getVal().props()->isNonResonant()){
1258  _genFct = gptr;
1259  return;
1260  }
1261  }
1262  }
1265  , mumsMass()
1266  , mumsWidth() * 1.02 ));
1267  _genFct = gptr;
1268  }else{
1270  , peakPosition()
1271  , mumsWidth() * 2. ));
1272  _genFct = gptr;
1273  }
1274  }
1275 }
std::vector< MINT::const_counted_ptr< DDTree< ValueType > > > getSistersTrees() const
Definition: DDTree.h:271
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
Definition: BWFct.h:11
bool nonResonant() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:221
double peakPosition() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1237
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
bool isNonResonant() const
MINT::counted_ptr< IGenFct > _genFct
Definition: BW_BW.h:51
virtual std::complex< double > getVal(IDalitzEvent &evt)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1138
const ValueType & getDgtrVal(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:108
virtual DalitzCoordinate getDalitzCoordinate(double nSigma=3) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:537

◆ maxDaughterPairSpinSum()

int BW_BW::maxDaughterPairSpinSum ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

Definition at line 371 of file BW_BW.cpp.

371  {
372  return daughterSpinValue(i) + daughterSpinValue(j);
373 }
virtual int daughterSpinValue(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:707

◆ maxDaughterSpinSum()

int BW_BW::maxDaughterSpinSum ( ) const

Definition at line 284 of file BW_BW.cpp.

284  {
285  int sum=0;
286  for(int i=0; i < numDaughters(); i++){
287  sum += daughterSpinValue(i);
288  }
289  return sum;
290 }
virtual int daughterSpinValue(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:707
virtual int numDaughters() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:252

◆ minDaughterPairSpinSum()

int BW_BW::minDaughterPairSpinSum ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

Definition at line 375 of file BW_BW.cpp.

375  {
376  return abs(daughterSpinValue(i) - daughterSpinValue(j));
377 }
virtual int daughterSpinValue(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:707

◆ minDaughterSpinSum()

int BW_BW::minDaughterSpinSum ( ) const

Definition at line 292 of file BW_BW.cpp.

292  {
293  if(2 == numDaughters()){
294  return minDaughterSpinSum2();
295  }else if(3 == numDaughters()){
296  return minDaughterSpinSum3();
297  }if(4 == numDaughters()){
298  return minDaughterSpinSum4();
299  }else{
300  cout << "BW_BW::minDaughterSpinSum() WARNING! "
301  << " can't handle more than 4 daughters - have "
302  << numDaughters() << ". Please improve me." << endl;
303  return 0;
304  }
305 }
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum4() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:354
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum3() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:343
virtual int minDaughterSpinSum2() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:340
virtual int numDaughters() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:252

◆ minDaughterSpinSum2()

int BW_BW::minDaughterSpinSum2 ( ) const

Definition at line 340 of file BW_BW.cpp.

340  {
341  return abs(daughterSpinValue(1) - daughterSpinValue(0));
342 }
virtual int daughterSpinValue(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:707

◆ minDaughterSpinSum3()

int BW_BW::minDaughterSpinSum3 ( ) const

Definition at line 343 of file BW_BW.cpp.

343  {
344  int minSpinPair = minDaughterPairSpinSum(0,1);
345  int maxSpinPair = maxDaughterPairSpinSum(0,1);
346  int otherSpin = daughterSpinValue(2);
347  int min = maxSpinPair + otherSpin;
348  for(int s = minSpinPair; s <= maxSpinPair; s++){
349  int thisMinSpin = abs(s - otherSpin);
350  if(thisMinSpin < min) min=thisMinSpin;
351  }
352  return min;
353 }
virtual int minDaughterPairSpinSum(int i, int j) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:375
virtual int daughterSpinValue(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:707
static const double s
virtual int maxDaughterPairSpinSum(int i, int j) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:371

◆ minDaughterSpinSum4()

int BW_BW::minDaughterSpinSum4 ( ) const

Definition at line 354 of file BW_BW.cpp.

354  {
355  int minSpinPair1 = minDaughterPairSpinSum(0,1);
356  int maxSpinPair1 = maxDaughterPairSpinSum(0,1);
358  int minSpinPair2 = minDaughterPairSpinSum(2,3);
359  int maxSpinPair2 = maxDaughterPairSpinSum(2,3);
361  int min = maxSpinPair1 + maxSpinPair2;
362  for(int s1 = minSpinPair1; s1 <= maxSpinPair1; s1++){
363  for(int s2 = minSpinPair2; s2 <= maxSpinPair2; s2++){
364  int thisMinSpin = abs(s1 - s2);
365  if(thisMinSpin < min) min=thisMinSpin;
366  }
367  }
368  return min;
369 }
virtual int minDaughterPairSpinSum(int i, int j) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:375
virtual int maxDaughterPairSpinSum(int i, int j) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:371

◆ mumsFittableProperties()

ResonancePropertiesFitRef & BW_BW::mumsFittableProperties ( ) const

Definition at line 414 of file BW_BW.cpp.

414  {
416  cout << "something went wrong in BW_BW::mumsFittableProperties() "
417  << " _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr is 0 although it should be"
418  << " set at construction."
419  << " Looking at this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
421  throw "error in BW_BW::mumsFittableProperties()";
422  }
424 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
ResonancePropertiesFitRef * _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:98

◆ mumsMass()

double BW_BW::mumsMass ( ) const

Definition at line 453 of file BW_BW.cpp.

453  {
454  bool dbThis=false;
455  return mumsFittableProperties().mass();
456  // return _RPL->get(mumsPID())->mass();
457  (void)dbThis;
458 }
virtual ResonancePropertiesFitRef & mumsFittableProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:414

◆ mumsParity()

int BW_BW::mumsParity ( ) const

Definition at line 238 of file BW_BW.cpp.

238  {
239  if( 0 == _mumsParity ){
240  const ParticleProperties* pp = _theDecay.getVal().props();
241  if(0==pp){
242  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::mumsParity()"
243  << " can't find properties for first element"
244  << " in this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
245  throw "invalid decay tree in BW_BW::mumsParity()";
246  }
247  _mumsParity = pp->P();
248  }
249  return _mumsParity;
250 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
int _mumsParity
Definition: BW_BW.h:42
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
const ParticleProperties * props() const

◆ mumsPID()

int BW_BW::mumsPID ( ) const

Definition at line 517 of file BW_BW.cpp.

517  {
518  if(! _mumsPID_set){
520  _mumsPID_set = true;
521  }
522  return _mumsPID;
523 }
virtual const ParticleProperties * mumsProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:380
int _mumsPID
Definition: BW_BW.h:37
bool _mumsPID_set
Definition: BW_BW.h:38

◆ mumsProperties()

const ParticleProperties * BW_BW::mumsProperties ( ) const

Reimplemented in BW_BW_DifferentMother.

Definition at line 380 of file BW_BW.cpp.

380  {
381  const ParticleProperties* pp = _theDecay.getVal().props();
382  if(0==pp){
383  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::mumsProperties()"
384  << " can't find properties for first element"
385  << " in this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
386  throw "invalid decay tree in BW_BW::mumsProperties()";
387  }
388  return pp;
389 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
const ParticleProperties * props() const

◆ mumsQuarkContent()

MultiQuarkContent BW_BW::mumsQuarkContent ( ) const

Definition at line 215 of file BW_BW.cpp.

215  {
216  return netQuarkContent(_theDecay); // handles non-res
218  //return mumsProperties()->netQuarkContent();
219 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
MultiQuarkContent netQuarkContent(const DecayTree &dt_in)
Definition: DecayTree.cpp:33

◆ mumsRadius()

double BW_BW::mumsRadius ( ) const

Definition at line 465 of file BW_BW.cpp.

465  {
466  return mumsFittableProperties().radius();
467  // return _RPL->get(mumsPID())->radius();
468 }
virtual ResonancePropertiesFitRef & mumsFittableProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:414

◆ mumsRecoMass()

double BW_BW::mumsRecoMass ( ) const

Definition at line 631 of file BW_BW.cpp.

631  {
632  if(substitutePDGForReco()){
633  return mumsMass();
634  }
635  if(_mumsRecoMass < 0){
636  double m2 = mumsRecoMass2();
637  if(m2 < 0){
638  cout << " ERROR negative reconstructed mass2"
639  << " in decay:\n " << _theDecay << endl;
640  _mumsRecoMass = - sqrt(-m2);
641  }else{
642  _mumsRecoMass = sqrt(m2);
643  }
644  }
645  return _mumsRecoMass;
646 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double mumsRecoMass2() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:548
static const double m2
bool substitutePDGForReco() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:73
double _mumsRecoMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ mumsRecoMass2()

double BW_BW::mumsRecoMass2 ( ) const

Definition at line 548 of file BW_BW.cpp.

548  {
549  if(substitutePDGForReco()) return mumsMass()*mumsMass();
551  if(_mumsRecoMass2 < 0){
552  std::vector<int> asi = _theDecay.getVal().asi();
553  if(asi.size() < 2){
554  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::mumsRecoMass2() "
556  << ", " << _theDecay.getVal().name()
557  << " decays into " << asi.size() << " particles?\n"
558  << _theDecay
559  << endl;
560  }
561  _mumsRecoMass2 = getEvent()->sij(asi);
562  }
563  return _mumsRecoMass2;
564 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double sij(const MINT::PolymorphVector< int > &indices) const =0
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
IDalitzEvent * getEvent() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:147
bool substitutePDGForReco() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:73
std::string name() const
const std::vector< int > & asi() const
double _mumsRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ mumsSpin()

std::string BW_BW::mumsSpin ( ) const

Definition at line 509 of file BW_BW.cpp.

509  {
510  return mumsProperties()->J();
511 }
virtual const ParticleProperties * mumsProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:380
std::string J() const

◆ mumsSpinValue()

int BW_BW::mumsSpinValue ( ) const

Definition at line 513 of file BW_BW.cpp.

513  {
514  return atoi(mumsSpin().c_str());
515 }
virtual std::string mumsSpin() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:509

◆ mumsWidth()

double BW_BW::mumsWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 460 of file BW_BW.cpp.

460  {
461  return mumsFittableProperties().width();
462  // return _RPL->get(mumsPID())->width();
463 }
virtual ResonancePropertiesFitRef & mumsFittableProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:414

◆ name()

virtual std::string BW_BW::name ( ) const

Implements ILineshape.

Reimplemented in FocusFlatte, Flatte, CrystalBallRhoOmega, Histo_BW, Lass, GounarisSakurai, GLass, CrystalBarrelFOCUS, FermiPS_BW, NonRes, Rho0Omega, Bugg_BW, RhoOmegaGS, Model_independent, and SBW.

Definition at line 198 of file BW_BW.h.

198  {
199  return "BW_BW("+_theDecay.oneLiner() +")";
200  }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375

◆ nonResonant()

bool BW_BW::nonResonant ( ) const

Definition at line 221 of file BW_BW.cpp.

221  {
222  return mumsProperties()->isNonResonant();
223 }
virtual const ParticleProperties * mumsProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:380

◆ numDaughters()

int BW_BW::numDaughters ( ) const

Definition at line 252 of file BW_BW.cpp.

252  {
253  return _theDecay.nDgtr();
254 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96

◆ pABSq()

double BW_BW::pABSq ( )

Definition at line 1014 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1014  {
1015  bool dbThis=false;
1016  if(_pABSq < 0 || dbThis){
1018  if(_pABSq < 0 || dbThis){ //dbg
1019  cout << "In " << _theDecay.oneLiner()
1020  << " BW_BW::pABSq()"
1021  << " suspicious... pABSq < 0. This is for:"
1022  << "\n mumM = " << mumsRecoMass()
1023  << "\n, m1 " << daughterRecoMass(0)
1024  << ", p1 " << daughterP4(0) << ", " << daughterP4(0).M()
1025  << "\n , m2 " << daughterRecoMass(1)
1026  << ", p2 " << daughterP4(1) << ", " << daughterP4(1).M()
1027  << " returnVal " << _pABSq
1028  << endl;
1029  }
1030  if(_pABSq < 0) _pABSq = 0;
1031  }
1032  return _pABSq;
1033 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
double _pABSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
virtual TLorentzVector daughterP4(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:566
virtual double mumsRecoMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:631
void oneLiner(std::stringstream &seam, int generation=0) const
Definition: DDTree.h:375
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsRecoFrame()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:910

◆ parityConservingL()

bool BW_BW::parityConservingL ( int  L) const

Definition at line 233 of file BW_BW.cpp.

233  {
234  int PL = (L%2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
235  return ((PL * dgtrsInternalParity()) == mumsParity());
236 }
virtual int dgtrsInternalParity() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:273
virtual int mumsParity() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:238

◆ peakPosition()

double BW_BW::peakPosition ( ) const

Definition at line 1237 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1237  {
1238  // from: J.D. Jackson, Il Nuovo Cimento, Siere X, Vol 34, pag 1644-1666
1239  // 16 Dicembre 1964
1240  // equation 10. (refers to (4)).
1241  //
1242  return mumsMass() + peakShift();
1243 }
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
double peakShift() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1207

◆ peakShift()

double BW_BW::peakShift ( ) const

Definition at line 1207 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1207  {
1208  // from: J.D. Jackson, Il Nuovo Cimento, Siere X, Vol 34, pag 1644-1666
1209  // 16 Dicembre 1964
1210  // equation 10. (refers to (4)).
1211  //
1212  double m1 = daughterPDGMass(0);
1213  double m2 = daughterPDGMass(1);
1215  double m1s = m1*m1;
1216  double m2s = m2*m2;
1218  double om = mumsMass();
1219  double om2 = om*om;
1220  double om4 = om2*om2;
1222  double G = mumsWidth();
1224  double mpm = m1s + m2s;
1225  double mmm = m1s - m2s;
1226  double mmm2 = mmm*mmm;
1228  double num = om4 - mmm2;
1229  double den = om4 - 2*mpm*om2 + mmm2;
1231  double f1 = ((double) twoLPlusOne())/8.0;
1232  double f2 = G*G/om;
1233  double f3 = num/den;
1235  return f1*f2*f3;
1236 }
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double daughterPDGMass(const int &i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:648
virtual int twoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:151
static const double m2
virtual double mumsWidth() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:460

◆ prefix()

const std::string& BW_BW::prefix ( ) const

Definition at line 72 of file BW_BW.h.

72 {return _prefix;}
std::string _prefix
Definition: BW_BW.h:64

◆ print() [1/2]

void BW_BW::print ( IDalitzEvent evt,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 

Reimplemented in CrystalBallRhoOmega, CrystalBarrelFOCUS, NonRes, and Rho0Omega.

Definition at line 1287 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1287  {
1288  setEventPtr(evt);
1289  resetInternals();
1290  out << name()
1291  << "\n\t> co-ordinate: " << getDalitzCoordinate()
1292  << "\n\t> This is the decay I'm looking at:"
1293  << "\n" << _theDecay
1294  << "\n\t> These are a few values: "
1295  << " startOfDecayChain? " << startOfDecayChain()
1296  << ", BreitWigner = "
1297  << BreitWigner()
1298  << ", Blatt-Weisskopf penetration factor: "
1299  << Fr()
1300  << ", total BW_BW: "
1301  << getVal(evt);
1302 }
virtual void resetInternals()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1114
virtual double Fr()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:710
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
bool setEventPtr(IDalitzEvent &evt) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:141
virtual bool startOfDecayChain() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:532
virtual std::string name() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:198
virtual std::complex< double > getVal(IDalitzEvent &evt)
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1138
virtual std::complex< double > BreitWigner()
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:1093
virtual DalitzCoordinate getDalitzCoordinate(double nSigma=3) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:537

◆ print() [2/2]

void BW_BW::print ( std::ostream &  out = std::cout) const

Implements ILineshape.

Reimplemented in CrystalBallRhoOmega, CrystalBarrelFOCUS, NonRes, and Rho0Omega.

Definition at line 1284 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1284  {
1285  out << name();
1286 }
virtual std::string name() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:198

◆ prSq()

double BW_BW::prSq ( ) const

Definition at line 969 of file BW_BW.cpp.

969  {
970  bool dbThis=false;
971  if(_prSq < 0){
973  if(dbThis && _prSq < 0){ //dbg
974  cout << " BW_BW::prSq()"
975  << " suspicious... pr < 0. This is for:"
976  << "\n mumM PDG " << mumsMass()
977  << ", m1_nominal " << daughterPDGMass(0)
978  << ", m2_nominal " << daughterPDGMass(1)
979  << ", m1_reco " << daughterRecoMass(0)
980  << ", m2_reco " << daughterRecoMass(1)
981  << " _prSq " << _prSq
982  << " will return 0 "
983  << endl;
984  }
985  }
986  if(_prSq < 0) _prSq = 0;
987  return _prSq;
988 }
double _prSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double daughterPDGMass(const int &i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:648
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:889

◆ prSqForGofM()

double BW_BW::prSqForGofM ( ) const

Definition at line 989 of file BW_BW.cpp.

989  {
990  bool dbThis=false;
991  if(DoAsLaurenDid) return prSq();
993  if(_prSqForGofM < 0){
994  _prSqForGofM = fabs(twoBody_recodgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame()); // forces > 0.
995  }
996  if(dbThis || _prSqForGofM < 0){ //dbg
997  cout << " compare : " << _prSqForGofM
998  << ", " << fabs(twoBody_recodgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame())
999  << endl;
1000  cout << " BW_BW::prSqForGofM()"
1001  << " suspicious... pr < 0. This is for:"
1002  << "\n mumM PDG " << mumsMass()
1003  << ", m1_nominal " << daughterPDGMass(0)
1004  << ", m2_nominal " << daughterPDGMass(1)
1005  << ", m1_reco " << daughterRecoMass(0)
1006  << ", m2_reco " << daughterRecoMass(1)
1007  << " _prSq " << _prSqForGofM
1008  << " will return 0 "
1009  << endl;
1010  }
1011  if(_prSqForGofM < 0) _prSqForGofM = 0; // can not happen as I'm using fabs above...
1012  return _prSqForGofM;
1013 }
virtual double prSq() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:969
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double daughterPDGMass(const int &i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:648
double _prSqForGofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
bool DoAsLaurenDid
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:23
virtual double twoBody_recodgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:903

◆ prSqMax()

double BW_BW::prSqMax ( ) const

Definition at line 944 of file BW_BW.cpp.

944  {
947  std::vector<const AssociatedDecayTreeItem*> dgtrOne =
948  _theDecay.getDgtrTreePtr(0)->finalState();
949  double m1_min=0;
950  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dgtrOne.size(); i++) m1_min += dgtrOne[i]->mass();
952  std::vector<const AssociatedDecayTreeItem*> dgtrTwo =
953  _theDecay.getDgtrTreePtr(1)->finalState();
954  double m2_min=0;
955  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dgtrTwo.size(); i++) m2_min += dgtrTwo[i]->mass();
957  /*
958  double m1 = daughterPDGMass(0) - 0.5*daughterWidth(0);
959  if(m1 < m1_min) m1 = m1_min;
961  double m2 = daughterPDGMass(1) - 0.5*daughterWidth(1);
962  if(m2 < m2_min) m2 = m2_min;
963  */
965  return twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame(mumsMass(), m1_min, m2_min);
967  // return mumsPDGMass()*mumsPDGMass()/4.0;
968 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
MINT::const_counted_ptr< DDTree< ValueType > > getDgtrTreePtr(int i) const
Definition: DDTree.h:114
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame(double mumsMass, double mA, double mB) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:917

◆ Radius()

double BW_BW::Radius ( ) const

Definition at line 481 of file BW_BW.cpp.

481  {
482  if(_useGlobalRadius) return globalRadius();
483  else return mumsRadius();
484 }
virtual double globalRadius() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:470
virtual double mumsRadius() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:465
bool _useGlobalRadius
Definition: BW_BW.h:67

◆ resetInternals()

void BW_BW::resetInternals ( )

Definition at line 1114 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1114  {
1118  for(int i=0; i< _theDecay.nDgtr(); i++){
1119  _daughterRecoMass2[i] = -1;
1120  }
1121 }
double _prSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
double _prSqForGofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
double _pABSq
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
std::vector< double > _daughterRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
double _Fr_BELLE
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
double _Fr_PDG_BL
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
double _GofM
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
double _mumsRecoMass2
Definition: BW_BW.h:35
double _mumsRecoMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:35

◆ resetPDG()

void BW_BW::resetPDG ( )

Definition at line 1123 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1123  {
1124  // _mumsPDGMass = _mumsPDGWidth = -1;
1125  _mumsPID_set = false;
1126  // _mumsPDGRadius = -9999.0;
1128  _daughterPDGMass.resize(_theDecay.nDgtr());
1129  for(int i=0; i< _theDecay.nDgtr(); i++){
1130  _daughterPDGMass[i] = -1;
1131  }
1132  _daughterWidth.resize(_theDecay.nDgtr());
1133  for(int i=0; i< _theDecay.nDgtr(); i++){
1134  _daughterWidth[i] = -1;
1135  }
1136 }
std::vector< double > _daughterPDGMass
Definition: BW_BW.h:47
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
bool _mumsPID_set
Definition: BW_BW.h:38
int nDgtr() const
Definition: DDTree.h:96
std::vector< double > _daughterWidth
Definition: BW_BW.h:47

◆ resonanceProperties()

const ResonanceProperties * BW_BW::resonanceProperties ( ) const

Definition at line 403 of file BW_BW.cpp.

403  {
405  if(0 == rp){
406  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::ResonanceProperties()"
407  << " can't find properties for first element"
408  << " in this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
409  throw "invalid decay tree in BW_BW::mumsFittableProperties()";
410  }
411  return rp;
412 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
virtual int mumsPID() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:517
ResonancePropertiesList * resonancePropertiesList() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:391
const ResonanceProperties * AddToListIfMissing(int pdg)

◆ resonancePropertiesList()

ResonancePropertiesList * BW_BW::resonancePropertiesList ( ) const

Definition at line 391 of file BW_BW.cpp.

391  {
392  //cout << "in BW_BW::resonancePropertiesList(): prefix() = " << prefix() << endl;
394  if(0 == _RPL){
395  cout << "ERROR in BW_BW::resonanceProperties()"
396  << " can't find properties for first element"
397  << " in this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
398  throw "invalid decay tree in BW_BW::resonanceProperties()";
399  }
400  return _RPL;
401 }
ResonancePropertiesList * _RPL
Definition: BW_BW.h:97
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
MINT::MinuitParameterSet * _mps
Definition: BW_BW.h:59
static ResonancePropertiesList * getMe(const std::string &prefix="", MINT::MinuitParameterSet *mps=0)
const std::string & prefix() const
Definition: BW_BW.h:72

◆ setAllFitParameters()

bool BW_BW::setAllFitParameters ( )

Definition at line 426 of file BW_BW.cpp.

426  {
427  bool dbThis = false;
428  if(dbThis)cout << "BW_BW::setAllFitParameters() called" << endl;
429  bool s=true;
430  if(0 == resonancePropertiesList()){
431  cout << "big problem in BW_BW::setAllFitParameters"
432  << ", resonancePropertiesList is zero" << endl;
433  throw "BW_BW::setAllFitParameters can't find resonancePropertiesList()";
434  }
435  if(dbThis)cout << "getting _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr" << endl;
436  const FitParameter& rad(resonancePropertiesList()->radius());
437  if(dbThis)cout << "called radius, no crash, now pringint it:" << endl;
438  if(dbThis)cout << "rad is" << rad << endl;
439  if(dbThis)cout << " radius is: " << resonancePropertiesList()->radius() << endl;
441  if(dbThis)cout << "hurray, got _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr" << endl;
442  s &= (0 != _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr);
445  NamedParameter<int> useGlobalRadius(("UseGlobalRadiusFor_"+ resonanceProperties()->nameFromPid(mumsPID()) ).c_str(),1,NamedParameterBase::QUIET);
446  if(useGlobalRadius == 0) _useGlobalRadius = 0;
447  if(dbThis && _useGlobalRadius)cout << "I'll use the global radius for this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
448  if(dbThis && !_useGlobalRadius)cout << "I'll use the individual radius for this decay tree\n" << _theDecay << endl;
449  return s;
450 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
static const double s
virtual int mumsPID() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:517
static const double rad
MINT::FitParRef * _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:99
const ResonanceProperties * resonanceProperties() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:403
const MINT::FitParameter & radius() const
ResonancePropertiesList * resonancePropertiesList() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:391
ResonancePropertiesFitRef * _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:98
bool _useGlobalRadius
Definition: BW_BW.h:67

◆ setEventPtr()

bool BW_BW::setEventPtr ( IDalitzEvent evt) const

Definition at line 141 of file BW_BW.cpp.

141  {
142  //_oldPointers.push(getEvent());
143  _eventPtr = &(evt);
144  return true;
145 }
IDalitzEvent * _eventPtr
Definition: BW_BW.h:32

◆ setGenerationLimits()

void BW_BW::setGenerationLimits ( double  mi,
double  ma 

Definition at line 1109 of file BW_BW.cpp.

1109  {
1110  _gen_s_mi = mi;
1111  _gen_s_ma = ma;
1112 }
double _gen_s_ma
Definition: BW_BW.h:70
double _gen_s_mi
Definition: BW_BW.h:70

◆ startOfDecayChain()

bool BW_BW::startOfDecayChain ( ) const

Definition at line 532 of file BW_BW.cpp.

532  {
533  return ! (_theDecay.hasParent());
534 }
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
bool hasParent() const
Definition: DDTree.h:154

◆ substitutePDGForReco()

bool BW_BW::substitutePDGForReco ( ) const

Definition at line 73 of file BW_BW.h.

73  {
74  return _substitutePDGForReco;
75  }
bool _substitutePDGForReco
Definition: BW_BW.h:49

◆ twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame()

double BW_BW::twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame ( double  mumsMass,
double  mA,
double  mB 
) const

Definition at line 917 of file BW_BW.cpp.

919  {
920  bool dbThis=false;
922  double Msq = mumsMass*mumsMass;
923  if(Msq <=0) return -9999;
925  double mpsq = (mA + mB)*(mA + mB);
926  double mmsq = (mA - mB)*(mA - mB);
927  double num = (Msq - mpsq)*(Msq - mmsq);
929  double returnVal = num/(4*Msq);
931  if(dbThis){
932  double mAB = mumsMass;
933  double EvtGenVal = (((mAB*mAB-mA*mA-mB*mB)*(mAB*mAB-mA*mA-mB*mB)/4.0) -
934  mA*mA*mB*mB)/(mAB*mAB);
935  cout << " BW_BW::twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame"
936  << " compare: cleo: " << EvtGenVal
937  << " MINT: " << returnVal
938  << endl;
939  }
940  return returnVal;
942 }
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453

◆ twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame()

double BW_BW::twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame ( ) const

Definition at line 889 of file BW_BW.cpp.

889  {
890  if(! PDGWithReco){
892  , daughterPDGMass(0)
893  , daughterPDGMass(1)
894  );
895  }else{
897  , daughterRecoMass(0)
898  , daughterRecoMass(1)
899  );
900  }
901 }
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double daughterPDGMass(const int &i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:648
bool PDGWithReco
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:21
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame(double mumsMass, double mA, double mB) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:917

◆ twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsRecoFrame()

double BW_BW::twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsRecoFrame ( )

Definition at line 910 of file BW_BW.cpp.

910  {
912  , daughterRecoMass(0)
913  , daughterRecoMass(1)
914  );
915 }
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
virtual double mumsRecoMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:631
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame(double mumsMass, double mA, double mB) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:917

◆ twoBody_recodgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame()

double BW_BW::twoBody_recodgtPsq_in_MumsPDGFrame ( ) const

Definition at line 903 of file BW_BW.cpp.

903  {
905  , daughterRecoMass(0)
906  , daughterRecoMass(1)
907  );
908 }
virtual double mumsMass() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:453
virtual double daughterRecoMass(int i) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:617
virtual double twoBody_dgtPsq_in_MumsFrame(double mumsMass, double mA, double mB) const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:917

◆ twoLPlusOne()

int BW_BW::twoLPlusOne ( ) const

Definition at line 151 of file BW_BW.cpp.

151  {
152  if( _twoLPlusOne < 0 ){
153  int externallySetL = _theDecay.getVal().L();
154  if( externallySetL >= 0){
155  _twoLPlusOne = 2* externallySetL + 1;
156  }else{
158  }
159  }
160  return _twoLPlusOne;
161 }
int _twoLPlusOne
Definition: BW_BW.h:44
const AssociatedDecayTree & _theDecay
Definition: BW_BW.h:69
const ValueType & getVal() const
Definition: DDTree.h:102
int L() const
Definition: DecayTreeItem.h:59
virtual int lowestPossibleTwoLPlusOne() const
Definition: BW_BW.cpp:163

Member Data Documentation

◆ _daughterPDGMass

std::vector<double> BW_BW::_daughterPDGMass

Definition at line 47 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _daughterRecoMass2

std::vector<double> BW_BW::_daughterRecoMass2

Definition at line 47 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _daughterWidth

std::vector<double> BW_BW::_daughterWidth

Definition at line 47 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _dgtrsInternalParity

int BW_BW::_dgtrsInternalParity

Definition at line 42 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _eventPtr

IDalitzEvent* BW_BW::_eventPtr

Definition at line 32 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _fittableGlobalRadiusPtr

MINT::FitParRef* BW_BW::_fittableGlobalRadiusPtr

Definition at line 99 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _fittableResonancePropertiesPtr

ResonancePropertiesFitRef* BW_BW::_fittableResonancePropertiesPtr

Definition at line 98 of file BW_BW.h.


double BW_BW::_Fr_BELLE

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _Fr_PDG_BL

double BW_BW::_Fr_PDG_BL

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _gen_s_ma

double BW_BW::_gen_s_ma

Definition at line 70 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _gen_s_mi

double BW_BW::_gen_s_mi

Definition at line 70 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _genFct

MINT::counted_ptr<IGenFct> BW_BW::_genFct

Definition at line 51 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _GofM

double BW_BW::_GofM

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _mps

MINT::MinuitParameterSet* BW_BW::_mps

Definition at line 59 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _mumsParity

int BW_BW::_mumsParity

Definition at line 42 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _mumsPID

int BW_BW::_mumsPID

Definition at line 37 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _mumsPID_set

bool BW_BW::_mumsPID_set

Definition at line 38 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _mumsRecoMass

double BW_BW::_mumsRecoMass

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _mumsRecoMass2

double BW_BW::_mumsRecoMass2

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _normBF

MINT::NamedParameter<int> BW_BW::_normBF

Definition at line 66 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _pABSq

double BW_BW::_pABSq

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _prefix

std::string BW_BW::_prefix

Definition at line 64 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _prSq

double BW_BW::_prSq

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _prSqForGofM

double BW_BW::_prSqForGofM

Definition at line 35 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _RPL

ResonancePropertiesList* BW_BW::_RPL

Definition at line 97 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _substitutePDGForReco

bool BW_BW::_substitutePDGForReco

Definition at line 49 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _theDecay

const AssociatedDecayTree& BW_BW::_theDecay

Definition at line 69 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _twoLPlusOne

int BW_BW::_twoLPlusOne

Definition at line 44 of file BW_BW.h.

◆ _useGlobalRadius

bool BW_BW::_useGlobalRadius

Definition at line 67 of file BW_BW.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: